• Member Since 7th Jun, 2016
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I'm an idiot with no life, so please ignore me. Why are you still here? Go away! No not there! No the closet your making a mess of my clothes! Why did you bring a search party!?

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Thoughts · 2:28am Mar 7th, 2019

It's been nearly two years since I've logged on this place. I feel like I'm too late for coming back even though I highly doubt this site will die even with the end of Gen 4 coming after season 9 ends. I've also fallen out of Doctor Who since I don't like the way the writing was directed as Peter Capaldi was one of the best Doctors we could've had.

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Report DerpyDoctor · 239 views ·
Comments ( 143 )
  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143

Personally, I'm neutral on the new format.

I think the new mechanics are very cool, even if it killed off several decks, and people need to accept that the game will always change no matter what.

Neat! So what're your thoughts on the latest format for the game?

I personally like them all. I main in Performapals combined with the Supreme Kings/Gates

What deck do you main? Also, which series of yugioh was your favorite? My user name says it all.

  • Viewing 139 - 143 of 143
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