• Member Since 1st Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2023


I'm a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a few other anime, and videogames. That being said, hope you enjoy my stories!

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It's not easy being a fan · 3:55am Nov 18th, 2020

A thought recently came to me when I was browsing YouTube once. No matter what you're a fan if, you're always going to have it rough. Be it whether you're comparing reboots to originals, or even the warzone that is shipping, you're always going to be right in the crosshairs of someone. Say you're a fan of a reboot, but you have some criticism on the story. You would get blasted by both sides. Or you really love the original, but you like some of the qualities the reboot has. Again, blasted by

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Report Bahamut0 · 243 views ·
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Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry to say this, butt no. Burst heard no such songs.


Sorry that was autocorrect for the heroism part and the songs I'm referring to our only Canon in the fandom there's a lullaby for a princess and Children of the Night songs by Warp out on YouTube

Actually, it's Elements of Heroism. Not Harmony. Second, I don't know what you're referring to. Please clarify.

In season 1 Elements of Harmony evolution reboot the way you have the timeline set up for his age she could have heard the Children of the Night song and lullaby to princess I just thought that was an interesting tidbit if you ever made that Cannon story

  • Viewing 271 - 275 of 275
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