• Member Since 12th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

I need a new name tbh

Make someone smile, always be happy. It doesn't matter what others think of you, only what you think of you.


Netflix removed power rangers. · 3:45pm Feb 13th, 2021

They got rid of every season except for mighty morphin and beast Morphers, and they gutted mighty morphin to only season one. They removed seasons 2 and 3. we live in the worst timeline.

Report I need a new name tbh · 207 views ·
Comments ( 130 )
  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130

OH she's already in that category. And trust me. Burst Stream is going to completely wreck Storm King AND Tempest. You DON'T mess with Celestia's dragon knight.

I would also put Tempest Shadow in that category.

More chapters for season 2 are up.

Posted a new chapter. Sorry to keep you waiting.

  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130
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