Netflix removed power rangers. · 3:45pm Feb 13th, 2021
They got rid of every season except for mighty morphin and beast Morphers, and they gutted mighty morphin to only season one. They removed seasons 2 and 3. we live in the worst timeline.
Make someone smile, always be happy. It doesn't matter what others think of you, only what you think of you.
They got rid of every season except for mighty morphin and beast Morphers, and they gutted mighty morphin to only season one. They removed seasons 2 and 3. we live in the worst timeline.
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OH she's already in that category. And trust me. Burst Stream is going to completely wreck Storm King AND Tempest. You DON'T mess with Celestia's dragon knight.
I would also put Tempest Shadow in that category.
More chapters for season 2 are up.
Posted a new chapter. Sorry to keep you waiting.