Make someone smile, always be happy. It doesn't matter what others think of you, only what you think of you.
Stupid stories for the low, low price of your firstborn children. o(*^▽^*)┛
We write what makes us feel. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.
Just your average british lad. I write things for a living. It’s the strangest living you’ll ever find, second only to my inability to take myself off of the grid.
"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!
Not sure what to write here, so... Yeah. Horses?
Hi! I'm Cobalt, I'm a nerd who loves Yu-gi-oh, Code Geass, Selena Gomez, Skyrim, Halo, anime, pizza, and of course MLP. I'm a romance, dark adventure, crossover, and clop reader
When I'm not writing stories, I'm writing essays. My keyboard sees fairly frequent use. University student, high functioning Rainbow Dash enthusiast, and satirical activist.
I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.
Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its
Searching for inspiration to get back on writing. Trying to find a good mood to write sometimes also..........
I really like MLP stories. My favourite are shipping stories featuring Octavia and Vinyl and Twilight and Trixie. Luna is my favourite Princess.
Not much to tell, just an amateur with nothing better to do.
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? The definition of insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again expecting shit to change. That is crazy.
What is the point of wanting to live without fear If you will live with the fear of some day being afraid anyways?
Wow. I feel SO loved here. / Drop Some Vibes & Keep the Ko-fi Warm.
I'm here and there but mostly here. Or am I? Previous picture was from here.Check this guy ou
Trixie Senpai FOREVER!!! Ship Trixie with anyone and you'll make your fic 500% cooler/awesome! Also remember to give the golden mares some love! Mayor Mare, Cherry Jubilee, and Harshwhinny!
Avid Pink Pone Enthusiast, Part-Time Chaos Lord, and Full-Time Disappointment
I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.
Hello. Monty Eggman here. Despite the username, I am indeed a brony. Currently working on a series based on Equestria Girls and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL.
Just a guy that enjoys making art and reading fanfics of all types
Blind Commentator, Actor, Voice Actor, Analyst/Reviewer, and Writer
I'm a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a few other anime, and videogames. That being said, hope you enjoy my stories!
1 2 ErrOrS COm;iN FoR yOu 3 4 bEtTEr CUt ThE sTRinGs 5 6 nEVeR lEAve tHis pLAcE 7 8 ThEY lIVEd tO lAte 9 10 tIMelINeS eNd! HehAhEEhAAAAAAAAAAAA!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!........... gOOdNiGHt
Author of mostly cute/funny one-shots and a handful of heartwarming stories. I also make art!