• Member Since 25th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 1st


Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its


Hanahaki, also known as The Unrequited Love Curse, is a disease that affects those with unrequited love. Those who are afflicted with it will cough up their beloved's favorite flower's petals, and as the disease gets worse, whole flowers.

The only known cures are for the loved one to return their feelings, or to have it removed, causing the victim to lose all memories of their love.

If they don't, they'll die.

A shame Discord became afflicted with it.

An attempt at angst.

Now including a review.

Chapters (1)

Awkwardness tends to happen. Especially if you keep running into somepony you don't know well. Especially if that somepony is the mare who controls the moon.

Written for the Lunbra group's writing contest.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Night, Moon, And Stars

Recently trapped beneath the ice in a frozen wasteland, Sombra ponders on his current situation whilst slowly losing his mind.

Chapters (1)

Sombra loves the night. It's calm and peaceful, and helps him relax from the stress of the day. He knows that somepony out there controls it, and wishes he could find him or them and thank her, but he dares not leave the empire to it's own devices.


Written for Ice Star because he dared me to.

Chapters (1)

Hoops talks about his foalhood crush

No Hoops tag?? Or am I just blind???
Also note, I do not ship this, it's for a frand
birthday :D

Chapters (1)

Somehow, Discord managed to get not one or two, but three of Equestria's princesses to fall for him.

*cricket noises*
...Yeah, I knew this story was bad

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow's Birthday

It's Pinkie's birthday again, and this time, Twilight Sparkle and the others are determined to make sure Pinkie doesn't think she's been forgotten while still making sure it's a surprise.

I never thought I'd make another one of these.
Ah well. For a friendo who won't be on for his birthday.

Chapters (1)

Somepony (not gonna name any, just saying) dared Rainbow to play this one game.

You can imagine how it went.
Or read this story. It'd be easier.

Proofreader: Randominos
Best Friend being a bit of a dumby with the comments: Dollie

Chapters (1)

Some short stories with many characters for Nightmare Night

Chapters (2)

Cheez-its have been banned from Canterlot High. It's all Sunset's fault.

Written awhile ago, extended for Sunset week. Or maybe it's just day? Both.

Chapters (1)