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Found 3 stories in 12ms

Total Words: 3,771
Estimated Reading: 15 minutes


Rainbow Dash has made a mistake. A nearly-fatal mistake. And now, she's forced to go on an... adventure... with Twilight.

She regrets severely her decision to go. Not that she really had one, of course.


My entry into The Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest, hosted by our dear, beloved Aragon.


Editors: You really think I had editors for this?

Chapters (1)

There are two ships in the MLP movie. This is their love story.

Recommended by Present Perfect

I mean, this was written before the movie came out, so it obviously isn't accurate to the events of the movie. I'm only a little bit sorry.

Chapters (1)

These are the fics which I enter in Loganberry's group, Flashfic. You should really go check this out, it’s a great friendly, monthly contest!

The Book of Ended Wives (November, 2017)

(The genre of each story will appear in the chapter name).

Chapters (11)