• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago



11 Years · 1:25pm Last Sunday

Well everypony another year for me on FimFiction has passed and it seems like time flies. It has now been 11 years since I joined the site and things have changed a lot since then, some ways for the better and some ways in the worse. The worse, I lost family since then. The better, I have written a lot of stories and have grown as a person. Another huge difference, I have pony tattoos now. Those can be seen in prior blog posts and I plan on getting more next month a week or so before

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Happy Canada Day Everypony! · 1:20pm July 1st


I got another tattoo! · 2:53am June 12th

Back in April I got Starlight's cutie mark on my right forearm and today I got this one on my upper right arm!

Report StormLuna · 104 views ·

Life Was Better Before Streaming · 4:11am May 18th

Ok, I know I'm probably going to catch a lot of flack over this but I'm going to say it, "Life was better before streaming." It seems like these days you have to have so many different streaming services to watch what you want. I remember back in the days when we simply had cable TV. Yes what you had to watch was limited but growing up it was all we knew and the ABC Friday night lineup was always a big thing. We all looked forward to it, whole families would gather around the TV to watch

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I finally decided to get a tattoo · 1:45am April 3rd

After many years of hesitation, I finally decided to get a tattoo today....a tattoo of my favorite pony's cutie mark.

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RIP My Brackets · 12:56am March 23rd

Well all my men's NCAA brackets were broken yesterday and my women's brackets died today. Anyway, go Hawkeyes on the women's side and Duke on the men's side.

Report StormLuna · 100 views ·

Super Bowl Picks · 4:44am February 4th

For those of you who are into football, who do you think will win and what do you think the score will be.

Naturally I'm picking the 49ers to win....I think the final score will be 31-28. Yes I'm picking a score that will likely stress a lot of Niners' Nation out but I see a close game.

Report StormLuna · 125 views · #49ers #superbowl

Final Story of 2023 · 8:25pm Dec 31st, 2023

I have just completed my final story for 2023. If you like sexy TwiShy stories, it might be up your alley.

[Adult story embed hidden]


I Would Love to See This · 1:36pm Oct 29th, 2023

This is something I would love to see because then Flurry Heart will never be parted from her father and Cadence will never lose her husband.

Report StormLuna · 173 views ·

Something Consistent in My Work · 11:41pm Oct 17th, 2023

For those of you who read my works, you probably notice that I still use two spaces after a period or any other punctuation mark that is at the end of a sentence. I have had some people bring that up to me and I even got into a heated debate with my sister over it and she is only 1½ years younger than me. The reason I do this is because for my whole life, I was taught that it was two. That first started in my typing class back in 1992 and even once I started writing things such as papers

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