Look what you made me do · 12:19am Jul 12th, 2021
This is after the episode Fame and Misfortune for Fluttershy ( and one of those what if situation )
This is after the episode Fame and Misfortune for Fluttershy ( and one of those what if situation )
I made this for fun.
Chapter 24 of A King To A God will be released tomorrow.
Titan Whisperer Fluttershy Body Pillow
Yes, you have finally learned my secret! I has a fluttershy obsession!
well it got super awkward.. Fluttershy will make it better!
Been tracking this story and it’s very good. Needs more readers The Mare who knew to little since it’s very well written and funny how the bad ponies lose to Fluttershy without knowing what’s happening.
I got to taking a discussion of this episode into wayyyyy too much detail, and I believe I've completely overthought the whole thing well past the point that was ever intended when writing it. But it's fun to speculate, so I did, and I've taken that speculation to the point that I think I'll do a blog post and see what sort of input people have. Here's my hangup:
About a year ago, Lily Peet did a video about disorders and self-destructive behavior in MLP, and how they're handled. One of the points she brought up was Fluttershy, and the possibility of her having an anxiety disorder. Some of Fluttershy's prominent episode seem to back this theory up, especially "Filli Vanilli."
Are there any fanfics that expand on this theory? If so, can I have the links?
Thanks kindly.
hattafan out.
Okay I just wanted to state a fact. Fluttershy is best pony, whoever you think is best pony, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, etc. sucks monkey butt. I'm right. Boom...
*Warning*: This is a joke and I'm stating my opinion do not fricking hate on me. :*Warning*
This is for every Fluttershy fans that care about her. The leader of this book done something to poor Fluttershy that even I felt sick writing it.
Another piece for chapter 11. Only one more image remains before I properly update the musical scene.
April 29 is Arbor Day in the USA and traditionally has been Fluttershy Day. I was on the road and missed posting then, so I am posting this belatedly now.
Among the most fun I had writing OP Fluttershy was in “No Pony Can Do That”. Here's an excerpt that establishes the tone…
"Look, up in the sky!" Applejack called.
Does she have some secret weed garden that only she knows about? How else does she make a living keeping up feeding and caring for her animal friends?
So right now I'm happy to announce the next fanfic I'm currently working on. Like a lot of my other stories, this one will be focusing on Mental Health more spiffily Anxiety. On Fluttershy and her experience with it. I've been diagnosed with Anxiety around the start of 2020 and nowadays I'm getting less worried about what other people are thinking about along with what's gonna happen in the future. I still do have days where I worry about what others think of me. Anyways here's a short sneak