• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago



While Twilight was in her office making lesson plans, an insect manages to find its way in. While this would normally not bother Twilight, it was a ladybug that had found its way in. She then asks her guidance counselor to get it out.

Cover art source: https://www.deviantart.com/emeraldgalaxy/art/Ladybug-Horror-851665941

Chapters (1)

When Colgate takes her daughter to the Hayburger, Colgate thought everything would go fine. When they don't have the toy that Lyra needs though, she gets upset and does the unexpected to get her and in the process shows her mother that her magic is much better than she thought.

Tagged AU for mama Colgate and daughter Lyra.

Cover art source: https://www.deviantart.com/valadrem/art/Filly-Lyra-544194530

Chapters (1)

When Cheerilee announces that she was going to teach them something unexpected, the students are curious about it. When she falls ill and a substitute fills in for her, he believes foals should not be taught such things so he teaches something different, something more academic.

Chapters (3)

It had been 1,500 years ago since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna attempted to defeat the queen of Unicornia but before they could, she cast a spell to cause it to disappear. Unicornia is back now and so is its queen. Princess Celestia has tasked Twilight and her friends with reuniting her with its leader but this will lead to so much more than a mere reunion.

Cover art source: https://sourcemlp.fandom.com/wiki/Unicorns?file=Unicorn_banner_vector.jpg

Chapters (8)

After defeating the Legion of Doom, everypony thinks that Twilight is ready to take on being the sole ruler of Equestria. When Celestia tells her this, she begins to think about her past and how she was never in charge of her own destiny. After spending some time alone and then with her friends, she realizes that she must make a huge decision, a decision that has so much at stake.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Silver Spoons' New Life

Thirty years have passed since she graduated from high school and much has changed. Sweetie Belle is far removed from her once girly nature. She is the police chief of the Canterlot PD, has taken on a more masculine look and has an ax to grind with a former classmate. She has vowed that one final bit of revenge must happen.

This story is the third part of a series centered around Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle.

The first one is "Sweetie Belle's New Experiences" written by me.
The second one is "Sliver Spoon's New Life" written by Shadowfire1997

Chapters (21)

I had been Celestia's royal advisor for well over a decade when she and Luna decided to retire. When Twilight took over she named Spike her royal advisor, I figured that I was likely out of a job. When Twilight had a private discussion for me though, I learned that was hardly the case.

Tagged sex and fetish for discussion of sex and fetishes.

This is a first person story involving one of my OCs, Stormchaser.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Return to Equestria

Ten years have passed since the death of Sonata Dusk and her sisters are living productive lives as unicorns in Equestria. When that ten year anniversary comes along, the most unlikely pony wants to find a way to revive her and bring her home. This will require one thing, a trip to visit Celestia to restore something she destroyed.

Source of cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/robocheatsy/art/Ponified-Sonata-Dusk-645848850

Rated teen for minor profanity.

Chapters (7)

Maretime Bay generally has good weather year round but when Izzy comes to town to visit Sunny, she brings something unexpected with her. She brought in something that was completely foreign to the town. Needless to say, the town isn't prepared for it and plenty of problems arise.

Here is a youtube reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan


Featured: 1/16/2022

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Fluttershy have been friends ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Not long after Twilight's ascension, Fluttershy decides she wants more. Twilight doesn't expect it but Fluttershy will do unexpected things to let her know.

Chapters (1)