• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 433 Views, 28 Comments

Different Teacher, Different Lesson - StormLuna

When Cheerilee announces that she was going to teach them something unexpected, the students are curious about it. When she falls ill and a substitute fills in for her, he teaches something much different.

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Prelude: Cheerilee Gets Sick/White Board's Arrival

"Alright class, tomorrow we're going to learn how baby ponies are made and about pony sexuality! See you tomorrow." Cheerilee said in her usual cheerful tone.

As her students left, Cheerilee was feeling a little nervous as she had never taught such a thing before and wondered whether foals their age should be taught such a thing. She knew that the EEA ordered it as part of the curriculum for their age group. She then felt her stomach grumble a bit harder than normal. She began to wonder if she wasn't beginning to fall ill. She certainly hoped not but just in case she was wrote down the activities for the following day in the event a substitute would be needed.

"I just hope this is nerves, I really don't want anypony else teaching them this stuff."

Later that evening Cheerilee was becoming seriously ill and knew that there was no way she could go in and teach even though what she had to teach the following day had been mandated by the EEA for that specific day. She knew she had no choice but to contact the EEA emergency number to get somepony sent in to sub for her. Once she did that she decided to hit the hay and hope that the substitute would do a good job filling in for her.

The following morning a gray unicorn with a white board and dry erase marker for a cutie mark arrived in Ponyville. He had baggage with him so that he would be sure and have all the proper equipment needed to teach in the event the schoolhouse in Ponyville lacked such things. When he got to the school he was less than impressed by the small size of this, "Ugh, this place is so small." He then realized that most towns likely had small schools like that so he brushed his concerns off regarding the small size.

Once he headed inside he was less than impressed with the chalkboard and chalk. He sighed in frustration, "Ugh, so third world, this has got to go. Those foals can not learn properly with everything being of the same color." He removed the chalkboard and then used his magic to put up a white board along with markers of several different colors. He gave the new board a smile, "Much better, multiple colored markers will make learning much easier."

He then took the old chalkboard out to the garbage so it would not be taking up any room. He then headed back inside and took a look at Cheerilee's lesson plan and was not thrilled. He gasped, "What the hay? She is going to be teaching them this?" He then developed a frown on his face and continued, "Not on my watch. It is the duty of parents to to teach foals this kind of thing. I will not poison their minds with such filth!"

He then began to think about other materials that could be taught instead. He then decided on genetics and how he could teach them about how ponies come to be without actually bringing up sex, the acts of it and he certainly wasn't going to bring up sexuality. Such things are not meant for young ponies to learn nor was it up to the taxpayers to fund teaching such things after all. He then began to dig through one of his bags and found the material he could replace it with.

Once he began to go through the material and contemplating the complexity of the material and how deep he should go into things, he sat down and readied himself for the day. He certainly couldn't go as deep into the genetic materials as he would with high school aged mares and stallions. That would go way over their heads and they wouldn't learn anything and he certainly didn't want to fail them.

Once he got everything ready, he did what he did before every school day. He got out his stereo and put on some Steel Stallion and other similar groups. Such music always relaxed him more and figured that if the students came in and heard him listening to that, that they may think he is more laid back and would make learning easier for them.