• Member Since 20th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago


Author of mostly cute/funny one-shots and a handful of heartwarming stories. I also make art! https://www.deviantart.com/doodledonutart


Shameless Plug · 10:08pm Sep 7th, 2021

:twilightblush: Apologies in advance to anyone who doesn't care for my artwork. Please ignore this blog post if it doesn't interest you.

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EqD's Newbie Artist Training Grounds · 4:02am Jul 5th, 2021

As of writing this, today is the last day of Equestria Daily's "Newbie Artist Training Grounds", which I rather serendipitously stumbled upon days before this year's month-long event began, never having been aware of it before. Every day for the past month, I've been uploading sketches and drawings to my DeviantArt and submitting them to the event on EqD, and I've really enjoyed it. After writing fiction stories as basically my main

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Random Drawing 2 · 11:03pm May 20th, 2021

I promise its my last, but this one deserved another post.

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Random Drawing · 2:34am May 20th, 2021

I've always been someone who could sorta draw things, but generally only when directly copying a reference. So today, for some reason after being part of this fandom for years, I decided I wanted to learn how to draw these characters for the first time, as opposed to writing about them, just for once lol. So I followed some tutorials about general proportions and whatnot, and the first dozen or so attempts were shit. But once I got the basic body shape and proportions down (at least in one

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Brainstorming Session 2: Electric Boogaloo · 12:39am Apr 10th, 2021

I've been tinkering a bit with a Novel-esque story that's been in the works for quite a while, but have reached a bit of a writer's block with it. I keep editing what I have written instead of continuing the story, which I guess is good in its own way, but not so good as it pertains to eventually releasing the story for people to read. It's also a more serious one, so it requires a lot more patience and attention to

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Why am I writing this story · 1:36am Apr 3rd, 2021

One of my stories in this blogpost was about the idea of Twilight substitute teaching for Ms. Cheerilee, only to realize that the topic was the "birds and the bees".

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An idea I had about Fimfiction reviews and a Chrome extension · 5:57pm Mar 28th, 2021

I'm making this a blog post mostly just to see if something like this already exists, because if it did I would probably use it. Here's the gist:

  • A server/database out there on the web that simply has a collection of links to reviews for stories on this site.
  • A Chrome extension that queries that database whenever you navigate to a story page and gives you a list of links to reviews, if any.

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Fanfic Brainstorm · 1:43am Mar 22nd, 2021

After going back to / overhauling a previous fanfic that I recently published on here, I've been feeling more inspired to do some shorter one-shots again, but it's admittedly been quite a while since I've had a story idea like that. So...I'm going to do what I usually do in this sort of situation, which is to start typing whatever comes to mind, and decide whether or not it's worth anything afterward. Most of these are derived from very old brainstorming sessions as well, which I feel compelled

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Continuity Update · 7:37pm Mar 19th, 2021

For anybody that cares, the ending to the story tagged here has had a very small and silly update, which can be found within the description text (the story itself is untouched). Reading the comments may also be necessary to fully understand.

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Location Ideas For a New Story · 5:57pm Oct 14th, 2020

I'm currently in the brainstorming phase for an idea I had a while back, which is a story about the "Elements of Chaos". Right now, I am working on figuring out six unique locations that each element will be located in, and would like to open up the opportunity for anybody who wants to help! For the most part, I want to only slightly incorporate existing locations, so as to not box myself in too much. For example, a few ideas I have currently are:

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