• Member Since 17th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.


The Artist Review: Stevie Wonder's "Handicap" · 11:57pm January 19th

I know, I know. I've been online the past few days, but haven't posted anywhere. What could it possibly be? I'm certain the Scootastalkers (or, as I like to call them, true Scootafans) have probably noticed my sudden burst of being online and they probably knew something was in the works.

In truth, I have been working on something. What is that something? Well, it has been learning the heart and soul of a dear author on this site. Or, rather, an Artist.

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Claiming Death: An Examination of Candy · 3:39am Apr 7th, 2018

Do you guys enjoy stories? I have one for you. It is the story of Pastel Candy Candies.

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Scootareader Looks Into: Clopping · 8:02am Feb 17th, 2018

Now, things get interesting.

We all have fetishes. Skeletons in our closet. Things we feel, but are sometimes ashamed to admit, other times proud to declare. Some people like feet. Others like nurses. There are even some who find an attraction to the animated characters that we come to love, appreciate, and find solace in.

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Depressed AND Suicidal? How Clickbait Can You Get? · 8:38am Feb 15th, 2018

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Scootareader Looks Into: Fanfiction · 6:27pm Feb 11th, 2018

I forgot about posting these for a while, then my work schedule changed, then... yeah, I get lazy sometimes. I came back, though. I always come back. :pinkiecrazy:

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Scootareader Looks Into: Fanart · 5:51pm Dec 4th, 2017

Ignore the typo-ish in the blog title. That's legit what I titled this back in ye olden days of 2013.

I consider these first couple themes I did to be pretty dry, honestly. My original idea was to do a bit of a showcase of aspects of the fandom before tackling more nebulous, overarching trends. We've got one more what I'd consider "dud" before we actually get to the good shit, but if I'm going to be using this blog as a time capsule for my old content, it's gotta be all of it.

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Scootareader Looks Into: Music · 8:34am Nov 18th, 2017

So, a bit of backstory: At the time I wrote these editorials, I was an active user on Ponychan.net.

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Scootareader Looks Into: Bronies · 8:15am Nov 11th, 2017

I have some good news, my friends. A series of editorials I wrote for a pony news site back in 2013 has been recovered.

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Accidental Suicide: Wholesome Family Entertainment! · 7:26pm Aug 28th, 2017

Lookie lookie, another user on FIMFiction with impeccable grammar as the synapses on their brain fizzle out!

Did you know people who are dying enjoy posting FIMFiction blogs about their deaths? I sure didn't! The first instinct I have when I fuck up and overdose is to post a blog. :rainbowkiss:

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>Opinions · 5:40am Jun 19th, 2017

Show of hands: Who here has ever had an opinion?

I know! It's crazy, right? Me, have opinions? Who'd have thought?

Wait, does that mean I think I'm right? Well... kind of. This is probably one of the most pertinent and most oft-considered philosophies in my life right now. Time for me to break it down.

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