• Member Since 17th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen January 28th


I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.


This story is a sequel to Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC

Have you ever seen what true chivalry looks like? Well, you're about to. This latest entry into the Darkness Awesome accurate recounting of true pony history contains real-world political implications and is an accurate depiction of how the Ukraine crisis is going to resolve. All we really need is a little faith in the most powerful alicorn OC to ever exist and his penchant for always doing the right thing.

Can you believe Darkness Awesome was in need of a makeover to show off how amazing he is even better than before, so much so that I added an entire extra dimension to his awesomeness? This definitely isn't because generalzoi's Pony Creator no longer works due to the Adobe Flash discontinuation and I had to find some other equally lazy way to generate a pony through 3D Pony Creator. No, he just needed some modernization. This isn't the early 2010s anymore, kids. Everything is going CGI.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC

In this lost episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon, titular main character of the show Darkness Awesome is brought face-to-face with an OC almost as badly written as he is: Starlight Glimmer. Does Josh Haber's depravity know no bounds!? Scootareader is up to the challenge and vows to prove that his writing talent still exceeds that of the people who get paid to write the episodes. Don't miss this heartwarming story of love, sacrifice, and the highly erotic first meeting of two of the most interesting and likable OCs in Equestrian history!

This is also my re-500 follower story because, funnily enough, I was self-banned for a whole year and during that time I dropped below 500 followers. So, with me crossing the threshold again, I had to release another comedy story. If people stop following me, I'll stop making these, so... please stop following me and make FIMFiction a higher-quality establishment. :trollestia:

Chapters (1)

As the happiness I once felt fades away into an obscure, hazy memory, I ask the same question of myself that I have asked innumerable times: Why? Why bother? Why believe it matters? Without him, none of it does.

Yet, I persevere.

All I can do is what he believed I could do. Without him, it may not be worth it.

I can't do this.

First-person mental trip of Applejack's mother. Did my best to write the struggle of fighting the insanity of one's own mind. Hope I did it justice.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash finally reaches that moment in her life when she's ready to have a foal. Just how is she supposed to get pregnant, though? She's uncertain how the birds and the bees work, but she does have an odd compulsion to go somewhere. Let us join Rainbow Dash on her journey to get impregnated.

This is how I celebrate getting 500 followers. Do I deserve those 500 followers with a story like this? Well, 500 people seem to think so. And 500 people are seriously messed up.

Chapters (1)

Since I could first remember my own life, I have simultaneously been remembering lives that are not mine. They are tiny slices of experiences, brief windows into a past that I never had and that perhaps never existed. It is the stuff of dreams... and perhaps they are nothing but dreams. I believe they are something more.

Perhaps my life with Scorpan is not the one I was meant to have. I cannot shake the feeling that my life is out there, in the grassy meadows I dream of so often.

First-person Tirek origin story. You ask, "Why?" I ask, "Why not?"

Picture is some stock photo I got from Google Images. It fits the mood of the story perfectly.

Chapters (3)

In a jealous rage, Princess Luna rebelled against her sister, embracing the darkness in herself readily. The newly transformed Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia fought above the Castle of the Everfree; after an arduous battle, Celestia lay bested by the sister she'd fought so hard to keep under control. With no other choice available, Princess Celestia wielded the Elements of Harmony.

Now, Nightmare Moon rules over a dark Equestria. She finally has the power of which she'd dreamed for so long.

She only wishes she didn't feel so wrong inside.

Story image is vectored out of this one and this one.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC

Were you guys, like me, watching that new episode and wondering about the lack of Darkness Awesome? This story explains the strange plot hole that was glaringly obvious. This is the actual canon version of the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? because the episode on Discovery Kids was obviously lacking Darkness Awesome.

If you're going to complain about me using the model of Darkness Awesome from the rebooted and forcibly mature-rated story (that I still don't think should be mature-rated) instead of from the original story, I recommend you read my other story about the Darkness Awesome continuity that I haven't written and will never write and that I will condescendingly notify you you ought to read before you claim to know anything about this guy.

(Also 400-follower special.)

Chapters (1)

What is the greatest cleaning spray ever, capable of cleaning any mess, no matter how severe, with a few simple squirts? Why, that's 409, a cleaning product that's a well-kept secret by earth ponies. Rarity has encountered a problem with the messiness factor of the Carousel Boutique, and Applejack has the solution. The question is, what happens when Rarity is given the ultimate in earth pony cleaning technology?

This is my 409-follower special that is my excuse to delay my 400-follower special. I assure you guys that I put more effort into the story itself than I did in making the magical aura around the bottle of 409.

Chapters (1)

A fateful encounter with Rainbow Dash paves the way to Pinkie Pie's future on her journey of self-discovery with a goal of achieving her lifelong dream: to become meme.

Rated teen for drug references, adult-ish humor (if you can call memes "adult" humor), and Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, but teen instead of for kids.

This is my 300-follower thank you story. And you better like it.

This story may update randomly if I get any more decent ideas. I encourage guest chapters for anyone else with ideas. You'll get named credit in parentheses with the chapter name.

Chapters (7)

I was only a baby, then. I had to grow up someday.

Here, at Pony Joe's, I hope to find something. Closure, maybe, or I could just be trying to delay the inevitable. I'll have to return someday soon and face what I've done.

Twilight assures me that every creature, pony, dragon, or anything, goes through this. It doesn't make it any easier to live with.

Maybe one more doughnut will erase everything. I can only hope it does.

Cover art made by the fabulous FlamingPizza, who may or may not still be around.

Chapters (1)