• Member Since 15th May, 2016
  • offline last seen July 9th


wasn't always a fan of mlp, until I got to know a certain purple dragon named Spike, now I like reading stories where he gets some appreciation


Spilight Story Idea (Anthro) · 7:39pm Aug 9th, 2017

its an alternate universe where Spike was found and raised by shining armor. Shinning raises Spike to be like his son and trains him to be an excellent soldier and guard
as time goes on Spike grows up in the crystal empire which he still saved when he was little
and he grows up to be the most popular dragon in Equestria and the crystal Empire. Famouse for firstly saving the empire and being the best soldier and warrior known across the land
and secondly for being a casnova

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Report Slash17 · 923 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
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Bro are you still in the world of the living if you are then why are you not updating?

Ya doin okay? Ya haven't touched some things in a while and I was wondering if ya gonna finish ya story's.

Oh Heya! I wanted to say thanks for the favorite on my story the Chains of War. Its my first time with something of that genre and I'm glad you're liking it!

Well I glad to hear that, also I hope you will be able to continue your stories as soon as possible.

Yeah I am. Wish I could be more active but sadly I'm limited to what I can do on my phone.

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Spilight Story Idea (Anthro) · 7:39pm Aug 9th, 2017

its an alternate universe where Spike was found and raised by shining armor. Shinning raises Spike to be like his son and trains him to be an excellent soldier and guard
as time goes on Spike grows up in the crystal empire which he still saved when he was little
and he grows up to be the most popular dragon in Equestria and the crystal Empire. Famouse for firstly saving the empire and being the best soldier and warrior known across the land
and secondly for being a casnova

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Report Slash17 · 923 views ·