• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago




This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Heartbroken

It's a week later, and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak into learning more about herself and what her special talents really are! Heartbreak shows herself to be the artistic type but with learning to be a pony and contending with ponies curious about the new mare in Ponyville, it's a rocky start that is leaving Heartbreak feeling more than drained of her ability to express herself. Let alone learn how to use a pencil with her mouth. Perhaps Zecora can help with a special brew she calls "Creativi-Tea"? Or will this just going to lead to a lot of Insani-tea?

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 645 )

Hey Jet, first 5 chapters quite good. I still like the marshmallow reference with the bag. Keep up the good work!

A sequel?!
well it's not like i need to sleep anyways

449176 You're going to be up for a while. There are 12 more stories!:rainbowlaugh:

449221 well then, insomnia, here i come :pinkiecrazy:

Poor Anthony, being hit on by another guy. I can see so much fun things coming from this gender confusion:twilightsmile:

449244 This time I am doing what normal writers do and working five chapters at a time.

Turned out pretty good. Of course, I'm going to stroke my ego here a bit and admire my pre-reading skills. But, I know there are things I inevitably missed. :twilightsheepish:

451756 :yay: That's ok, like Twilight Sparkle you can make a check list of the things you missed.:twilightsmile: Then you can make a check list for that check list.:twilightsheepish: Then you can make a list of check lists to check for that set of check lists.:twilightoops:



I will quit.

I swear to Celestia I will quit.

"...what evolution is or that the earth is over six thousand years old..."
I take it he isn't religious? =P

472831 juuuust picking up on that?

Lol it was just that one comment made me laugh, and I felt like commenting on it. =P

Mind translating those words? =P

Orly? I'm curious and have no idea what language they're in or I'd google translate lol.

Someone/pony is about to go ape shit crazy, now the question is will it be Twilight or Anthony... chances are both:twilightangry2:

I'm liking how it's progressing.

473757 Anthony no longer exists silly! Now she's Heartbreak!:derpytongue2:


No Anthony still exists, his body may not, and his name might have been stolen, and the world may have forgotten him, but as long as his memoirs remain he is still Anthony and he still exists.:eeyup:

478843 Pfffffffffffffffft. Not exactly. And nobody in his original home doesn't remember him. He might as well not exist there at all. And everypony knows 'him' as a mare named Heartbreak.


Well it's clear that we see things differently so I'm stop this argument before it even begins and not continue this.:eeyup:

478843 Pfffffffffffffffft. Not exactly. And nobody in his original home doesn't remember him. He might as well not exist there at all. And everypony knows 'him' as a mare named Heartbreak. 478944 Kay! Ponies~! Besides. Extensional questions and arguments are promoted in this fic!

these five chapters were good. the different language was a bit random, but still good. I look forward to seeing which (or both) ponies snap. Personally I want to see Twilight snap...She's fun to see raging


'Sides, this argument is going to get a....kink...in it once I write MY story ;) Muahahahahaha.

Riiiiiiiiiight, Jet Black? :pinkiehappy:

486071 Heh. Kinks. Only She could do that.

"It was weird that Heartbreak took an instant distrust to the pony there and even weirder that she was actually right in identifying him as a con artist."
When the hell did this happen? Dafuq?
Does it have anything to do with the fact that this chapter is titled "Chapter 12" even though this should be Chapter 11?

508882 I will fix this when I get back from the mall.

Did you just upload the wrong chapter or something?

509034 I see what happened. I didn't 'publish:derpytongue2:' it.


Chapter 11 after 12... I should have noticed:fluttershysad:

hehe now the story makes sense. I was thinking to myself, "Heartbreak just exposed a con artist while off screen? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?"

510432 Don't beat your self up, i didn't notice ether. had me confused for the longest time:facehoof:


It's fine.:twilightsmile:
Now that I know how they got to chapter 12 it's all good.:pinkiehappy:

Why is it when I read this, I think nothing will eventually go right for this character at any point? :raritydespair:


I'm sure it will at some point.:derpytongue2:


Take your hopes and dreams, and leave them elsewhere. :facehoof:

Just kidding, though you seem to be too optimistic at this point. :raritydespair:


Na I just have a sixth sense about these things, most of the time I'm right.
Although what I said was extremely broad so I'm 100% sure I'm right.:derpytongue2:

511280 Who says that anything goes right or wrong? Sometimes things will go 'right', somethings will go 'wrong', but they may just go somewhere in between. It could be they go in a way that she says "I'm ok with how this turned out." :pinkiecrazy:


Nope, he's going to get his memory wiped. It's going to happen. :twilightangry2:

Bah, probably wrong actually. :derpyderp1:

Though if I'm not...

Hmmm, good point. Still, I would not wish this on my worst enemy. :ajsmug:

511340 Don't build your expectations out of a house of cards. One thing falls and then Rainbow Dash gets pregnant.


I always knew she would be the first one of her friends to do so... :rainbowderp:

511340 Don't build your expectations out of a house of cards. One thing falls and then Rainbow Dash gets pregnant.511354
Heartbreak has friends?


Nope, your comment about Dash getting pregnant. :rainbowlaugh:

511340 Don't build your expectations out of a house of cards. One thing falls and then Rainbow Dash gets pregnant.511354
Heartbreak has friends?511369 Why aren't you watching me!?:pinkiesad2:


Uh oh, so you want me to be your stalker? :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Sure, I'll watch you from now on. :trollestia:

Hey, I'm stalking him, why not you too? XD
You're already stalking me too...


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