• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2021

Harmony Spirit


Back to work · 4:34am Dec 22nd, 2020

So I've finally got over the block that came from loosing the work on my current chapter of Stormbreaker, and have managed to get the rough done up. I need to do some clean up, and hopefully have it out soon, and finish this story as only a few chapters remain.

Still thinking of making it a Trilogy, and have some ideas of what the next part will be.

Report Harmony Spirit · 193 views · Story: Stormbreaker ·
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Well I think you'll do just fine, when your done with them. Good luck.:raritywink:

Well, the one I just posted the first part too Shatter Storm is an old story I'm reviving for posting. Magick of Friendship chapters that I have in my books, as well as a couple of other older works that have been sitting around.

Technically these are new, online anyhow, and I am rewriting some things to clean them up. For purely new stuff, I don't know. I have ideas that are in my head and seen very little pen to paper, but as far as MLP goes, I haven't really thought of any new works.

Witch old story's? Are you going to make new ones?

Keeping life together best as I can, and cleaning up some old stories for posting.

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