• Member Since 29th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen December 1st

Lux Tenebris

Creating stories is the only thing I have left where I feel like I add value to the world.



This story is a sequel to A Changeling Builds a House in the Everfree Forest

The venerable lords of cinders return once more to Ponyville to attend a 'welcome-to-Ponyville' party. Zarathon hopes to announce his vassalization of Ponyville during these favorable circumstances. Mute is there to support his fellow Lord in this quest. However, Ponyville might not be as receptive as Zarathon thought to the idea of having a pebble liege-lord, and neither Mute nor Zarathon can feel the encroaching darkness from the Everfree forest.

(The death tag was added due to the brief mention of death in the story. The sex tag was added due to the mention of lust and suitors. I think at least that is how these tags are meant to be applied due to the content of the story. There is no explicit scene of death or sex in this story.)

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 43 )

Many things to say regarding both chapters, let’s begin.
Chapter 1:
-1st paragraph, I believe you meant “none” instead of “non.”
-Seamstress, interested in learning more about the seamstress to say the least.
-He can’t use magic, perhaps an injury procured while traveling with Zarathon?
Chapter 2:
-1st paragraph, again, I think starred is supposed to be stared; and hurdles is supposed to be huddles.
-The mare who’s listing over Mute, like 99% sure she’s supposed to be a entomologist. She’s either really enthusiastic about being an entomologist to the point where she gets lustful about a new bug to study, or it’s a combination of Mute’s dashingly amazing good looks and the former.
-Beetle is spelt wrong when describing her cutie mark.
-“Lords of Cinder,” fancy way of saying firebender. In all seriousness though the chapter actually explains their titles and purposes pretty well.
-Nice reference to Celestia’s undying affection for cakes at the end.
-Zarathon has parents?! Starting to think that he wasn’t always a rock… not to forget the off mention of him giving up his form.

Quite wordy yes but I tried to put things that might be useful or show you what I think/see on certain points.

This is perfect, thank you, man!

Tonight on "A Changeling-",

A pegasus complains about a pampered rat,

Zarathon wears a hat,

And I reminisce about my fight with a cat!

Honestly I think you should make this and the chapters before this one all one story I don’t really understand the need to have them separated like that

Aye! You spitting bars, man!

Honestly I had them separated because I assumed they'd all be random one-shots with the same character. But now it's taking on another form. I'll consider making the next one the start of a multi-chapter fic.

I'm in love with this universe and characters, eagerly looking forward to more :pinkiehappy:

Needs more music.

This sound made his exoskeleton vibrate and he became acutely aware of his heartbeat.

Yeah, rave music can do that to ya.

As I assume neither of you is an Equestrian native I hold the right to have you arrested and handed over to border security, who would then deport you.

I'd hate to be the bureaucrat that has to fill out the paperwork for that though. Where would you even deport a talking pebble to, anyway? :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, turn of events though it is, this was very enjoyable, and my interest in these two ragamuffins has only increased, so I look forward to more. And I agree with other commenters--probably time to drop pretense and make this a single ongoing fic at this point, if just for ease of reading. :twilightsmile:

As this is the second comment that suggest I make this one long fic I'll probably do that.

Moar! I require another!

There shall be moar

This is a really good series.

Thank you! I am so glad so many people like them.

I was not ready for lore.

"This is Mute! Mute, this is Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash! I think you already met Twilight and Fluttershy... Where is Fluttershy?" Pinkie said and looked around for the yellow pegasus.

Getting eaten by a black ooze monster

"I suppose me must meet with the sun goddess. I fear we are at a disadvantage my friend, as I do not have any cake to offer her..." Zarathon mumbled.

He knows

Oh, I have so much lore~ *Evil laughter*

Of course, he knows! All must know to be safe!

Answer one question, two more shall take its place. Hail Zarathon!

Hail the lord of cinder!

Now watch Zarathon and Celestia be old buddies lol

Well... Buddies is a bit too friendly word

Zarathon having power is a really funny twist.

"OhmygoshIamsohappyyouareherewelcometoPonyville!IamPinkiePieandpleasecomeinsidesowecanstarttheparty!" she said with wide eyes and a grin.

That's Pinky alright. :pinkiehappy:

Nice I got her character right

Wonder who that is who will be wearing Fluttershy.

And just like how Equestria was basically in a thousand-year peace before the Elements were rediscovered just in time for the return of Nightmare Moon, one must question the causal relationship represented by the sudden appearances...
Zarathon must modernize himself or his battle will be unnecessarily difficult.

Aye, and get some friends.



-Zarathon has parents?! Starting to think that he wasn’t always a rock… not to forget the off mention of him giving up his form.

And the mention of hooves.

This is amazing and I hope this gets more chapters!!

This is pretty interesting. I like it.

It is hands now actually.


I suppose they finally lost their cowardice after the defeats they suffered at my hooves.

God dammit— Let me go edit that.

He meant that the being would possess her.

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