• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2016


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conversation from a movie I saw last night · 2:17am Jan 15th, 2016

The movie's called "Weekend". I generally liked it, but this bit really hit me hard.

"Look: straight people like us as long as we conform, we behave by their little rules. Imagine your friends, if you suddenly started getting all political about being a fag, or you got suddenly, like, camp, or swishy, or talked about rimming all the time."

"But that's not what I'm like, is it? That's not who I am. "

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Comment posted by Soundy The Robot deleted Jul 11th, 2016

Rest in peace :heart: I wish I could have known you better. You seem like an awesome guy

Shit, man... *doffs her hat and holds it over her heart.*

Happy birthday friend, we miss you.

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