• Member Since 29th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 7th, 2015

Melody Anarchy

I love music, I'm a follower of Discord and Luna. I sing, paint, write, dance and I'm kinda insane. I'm one of a kind you might say. Follow me I follow back!!!


New Account · 10:20am Jun 19th, 2015

Dear followers and friends,

Because of complications I will have to create a new account. Please search for me under the name Muse of Anarchy. I am sorry. Hopefully I will see you all soon.

Report Melody Anarchy · 299 views ·
Comments ( 390 )
  • Viewing 386 - 390 of 390

Never mind that second question. I figured it out.:ajbemused: (God I am an idiot.)


Oh and do you mind me asking what gender are you?


Well bondage, hypnosis, tentacles, pet/master setting (I am the pet), cum denial and transformations.:scootangel:


Nah, just interesting :duck:

What fetishes do you have for rp, hmm?

  • Viewing 386 - 390 of 390
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