• Member Since 12th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 31st, 2022

Galaxy Knight

I want to write stories with ponies, insanity, romance and intense action. Is that too much to ask for?

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Problems · 5:56pm Mar 1st, 2015

Sorry for the no progress, i've been in...kind of a dark place recently.

I've been told by my friends and family that I have anger issues. At first I wanted to deny them, but after some inner thought and turmoil I realized they were right. So, I tried to make myself better and see what I could do to fix this problem...turns out nothing.

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Report Galaxy Knight · 689 views · Story: A new Discord ·
Comments ( 139 )
  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139

Thank you for the fave, kind sir/madame! I hope you'll keep enjoying SFFG!:yay:

Thanks for favoring 100 moments of Flutterblitz

1846219 :twilightsmile: Fluttercord's my favorite ship, too.

I hope you enjoy what comes next.

1845335 On "Tea and cucumbers"? Of course, first of all it was a Fluttercord fic (which I love) the cover art was kawaii as hell, and it's human. That's a triple threat in my book, so there's no way I wasn't going to favorite it.

Thanks for the favorite!

  • Viewing 135 - 139 of 139
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Problems · 5:56pm Mar 1st, 2015

Sorry for the no progress, i've been in...kind of a dark place recently.

I've been told by my friends and family that I have anger issues. At first I wanted to deny them, but after some inner thought and turmoil I realized they were right. So, I tried to make myself better and see what I could do to fix this problem...turns out nothing.

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Report Galaxy Knight · 689 views · Story: A new Discord ·

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