• Member Since 16th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen July 11th


The speed of light is unanswered when you faster than it, what happens when you are than it to fly out of equestrian, ending upside down of space?. What happens when there's nothing out there to live?


Happy New Year · 10:47am Dec 31st, 2019

The of end 2019 is about to coming up soon so I would like to wish you all A happy new year. Hope for the best in 2020

Report SlipSpeed · 161 views ·
Comments ( 75 )
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Thankies for the fav it is appreciated.

No prob mate, keep up the good writing!

Thank you for the watch. I'm happy you enjoyed "A Night at Shadow Station," more than once.

Thanks for adding FOE:Our Will! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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