• Member Since 14th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2023


"Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science, is writing it down." - Adam Savage

Story Progress

Diary of Pvt. Nimble Whistle of the Royal Equestrian Guard

Diary Entry #3 - Wednesday 15/05/2232

Visiting The UEE

Chapter 2 - Transfer

Latest Stories


Decreasing Speed · 3:25pm Oct 18th, 2017

"Where is the next chapter of Bound By Stars? Are you not interested in writing anymore?"
To sum it up: No, I haven't lost interest in Bound By Stars, or any of my other stories. I also haven't lost interest for writing. If anything, I'm now more passionate about literature than I ever was before!

"But why are you not writing anymore then?"

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Report Coenogo · 398 views · Story: Bound By Stars ·

Inspirational Music List

Here is a list, filled with songs that I enjoy listening to whenever I feel sad, angry, or without inspiration. They help me relax, and get my bearings on the world back. I hope that these songs will do the same to you as they have done to me.

- A Season's Change

- Big Guns of the UEE

Comments ( 1 )
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Comment posted by Jean-luc Picard deleted Apr 13th, 2017
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