• Member Since 14th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen January 16th


"Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science, is writing it down." - Adam Savage


Decreasing Speed · 3:25pm Oct 18th, 2017

"Where is the next chapter of Bound By Stars? Are you not interested in writing anymore?"
To sum it up: No, I haven't lost interest in Bound By Stars, or any of my other stories. I also haven't lost interest for writing. If anything, I'm now more passionate about literature than I ever was before!

"But why are you not writing anymore then?"

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Report Coenogo · 419 views ·

The Olympus Organization needs your help! · 1:38pm Jun 22nd, 2017

It doesn't really need help. I just thought it sounded cool. By the way, thinking about Olympus, I have made it into a group for both Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen! Both of these pages still need work, but I'll get it fixed eventually. You are free to join either/both of these if you have the game, so YOU can be a part of this great organization!


Want To Participate? · 10:02pm Jun 18th, 2017

The people have spoken, and it would appear that you people are interested in seeing the UEE in greater detail. Therefore, the next story will be all about the UEE, and diplomats! In this story, humans will have an important role, seeing how we will be visiting human-controlled space. And I thought, since most of you are probably humans too, that some of you would be interested in being part of the story, even if it is just in the background!

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Report Coenogo · 378 views ·

[POLL] Interested in seeing what Earth will be like in the year 2232? · 1:36pm Jun 8th, 2017

With Bound By Stars nearing an end, it is time to think of the next story. Whilst Diary of Pvt. Nimble Whistle of the Royal Equestrian Guard is certainly a story I want to continue, I would like to explore more of the future that Bound By Stars is set in. My question to you, dear reader, is this:

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Chapter 23 - Perhaps not the final chapter? · 10:59am May 19th, 2017

So... It seems that nobody was really happy with how the last chapter ended. This includes myself. The current ending is as cliché as can be, and I will do my absolute best to fix what I can. I will likely continue to add chapters, or write a sequel/prologue.

If you'd like, you can vote down below on how you want the story to end. Violently, or peacefully. Perhaps a mix of both?

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Report Coenogo · 379 views · #help

Chapter 23 - The Final Chapter · 8:34am May 15th, 2017

That's right. Chapter 23 will be the last one for Bound By Stars. It has been a long journey, and I feel that I have learned new techniques and styles in the progress. I'm really proud of what I've accomplished, but I couldn't have done it without all you readers, who are interested in my story, and have shared feedback and corrections. I don't have an editor, nor a proofreader. I do it all on my own, but knowing that there are people who want to help cheers me up everytime I see one of your

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Another Straw-Poll! :D · 2:29pm Apr 24th, 2017

Get your votes ready ladies and lads!

Which system will be used by the UEN for Ground-Based Anti-Projectile defense, i.e. for defending FOBs and large installations, where the area that is to be defended is too large for shields, or for another reason can not use shields?


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Report Coenogo · 203 views ·

Delays · 5:32pm Apr 16th, 2017

Hi there!

Due to a week-long vacation to Tuscany, new chapters for both Bound By Stars and Diary of Pvt. Nimble Whistle of the Royal Equestrian Guard will be coming out at a slower than usual rate. Whilst there is some sort of internet-connection out there, it is rather old, and not very reliable. I will do my best to keep getting back to the stories atleast once a day, but relaxation (Aswell as taking care of the olives) takes top-priority!

I'm sure y'all understand this!

Report Coenogo · 137 views ·

Looking for characters for Bound By Stars · 12:35pm Mar 26th, 2017

This is a call for action. I am in need of characters for the story, the more the better. More detailed characters will certainly improve the reading-experience of the story, as it will feel more in-depth. Therefore, I'm hoping that there are people out there who would like to be featured in Bound By Stars, whether it be as a human or a pony, doesn't really matter what role they want to be in, as long as they provide a decent character and a decent role for that character. I'm especially

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Chapter 12 of Bound By Stars · 9:38am Mar 15th, 2017

I will try to make Chapter 12 the longest chapter so far, as it will be an important one. And once again, I'd like to ask for YOUR help to decide where the story should go!

Thank you for your help in writing this story! I love writing, and will continue to do so for as long as I can!