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Too good not to read
Past Sins Can Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past? by Pen Stroke 201,810 words · 12,642 · 381
If You Came to Conquer Nightmare Moon won. She defeated Celestia, broke the Elements, banished the sun. This all happened a very long time ago. So long ago, that she has had plenty of time to change her mind. Not that fixing it will be simple. by cleverpun 5,769 words · 2,213 · 30
The Dark Side Of The Sun Celestia will always struggle with the pain and shame of what happened that fateful night, but it's nothing compared to what happened next. by ocalhoun 10,176 words · 241 · 14
Still too good not to read
Seeing the Pattern Using the Pinkie Sense, Pinkamina prevents the deaths of others and cheats fate. by Aegis Shield 32,995 words · 1,411 · 60
Judge Luna Princess Luna runs a Judge Judy-like show, but quickly grows ill as the show's popularity grows. by Aegis Shield 44,044 words · 755 · 39
The Return of Princess Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon returns as a battered, half-starved alicorn and its up to everypony to help her. Meanwhile, Blueblood lusts after Twilight Sparkle. by Aegis Shield 91,986 words · 3,283 · 126
Sharing the Night Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops! by Cast-Iron Caryatid 234,498 words · 4,038 · 110
An answer to your name: Possibly me.
Other than that I am also seeing that the last comment was in 2017, just thought I'd freshen up this place a bit.
Eventually, yes. I've been working on the next chapter off and on and just can't get it to flow naturally, so I opted to focus creativity on different ideas.
Are you going to continue Doomed?
You shouldn't thank me for following. I should thank you for writing