• Member Since 18th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Took a rather long Hiatus from FimFiction writing, but I'm back now, hopefully a bit more reliability



This story is a sequel to Swooping Pegasus

Rainbow Dash has been back in Equestria for four years, but the planet has not been idle. The knowledge that they are not alone has catapulted Equestria forward. Reverse engineered technology has pushed the world into a new golden age. Leading the way in new Arc-tech developments is Twilight Sparkle, her discoveries and inventions seeing use across the length and breadth of Equestria. Her latest invention is set to be the most influential yet, the crowning glory in the Element of Magic’s scientific career. When something goes wrong however, and Applejack is forcibly teleported from the boundaries of the world, only one pony has any knowledge about where she might be. But even she can’t do it alone, not this time. Luckily, she won’t have to.
Enter the Swooping Pegasi, and watch their descent into the darkness.

Now with a sequel: The Descent into Madness

This story is a sequel to Swooping Pegasus. I would recommend reading that story first to understand some of the bits in this story, but it is not 100% necessary.

Featured a fair amount of times, which I am personally very proud of XD
Thanks so much.

Rated Teen for Violence and Grim dark references

Just a heads up, this story is going to be much darker and much more violent than the first one.

I wanted to add other character tags, but didn't have the space. Also includes Spitfire and Lightning Dust.

Also, a big thanks to my Creative Consultant, Brother Malachai . This guy helped me flush out a load of ideas, as well as giving me some awesome new ones, so big thanks to him.

Artwork has been done by the massively talented El Mutanto.


Chapters (65)
Comments ( 1402 )

First of all, hella.
Second of all, this is off to a great start! Now that Applejack's been teleported to a galaxy far, far away, it'll be interesting to see what comes next. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this.

Lol wrong apple :rainbowlaugh:

Please god-emperor not tau.

And so, a new adventure begins.... :pinkiehappy:

If there must be Tau, can they at least be enemies? I'd rather not see Applejack taken in by those con artist Ethereals... Besides, she would fit much better among certain members of the Imperium... Tanith First and Only anyone?

Loved the last one. Love this one. Like, fave, sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more.

:ajbemused: Twilight Twilight Twilight such a disaster area you are.

i wonder where AJ ended up, cant wait to read the next chapter to find out.

And today on Cooking with Science! : Roast Apple! :applejackconfused: :twilightblush:

well this gonna be ineresting.

where can AJ ended up with.

the Imperials, Orks, Tau or Dark Eldar? or maybe Necrons or the ultramarines.

hell she may even be sent to the past of the warhammer world and meet the Elves

I wonder how RD's friends on Sain-Hann will react to this. :pinkiehappy:
Also, have a theme song:

4243632 Given that Eldar and Tau are Battle Brothers it would probably not even be that difficult to extract AJ from them - RD & co. just have to find her first.

I hope it's the Farsight Enclave, and not normal Tau. Farsight is a real bro.

Also, I noticed a lot of capitalization mistakes, in both chapters 1&2.

4243632 Dude. I'd rather serve a con-artist then a blood thirsty imperial warlord. Besides, there are a THOUSAND stories involving the Imperium. It's good to have one with the Tau for a change.

4243575 Why? The Tau are way better then your shitty corpse "emperor"

4244053 The author mentioned it was going to be Tau. Plus the cover art is of a Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit.

4244215 You'd rather serve the con-artist? Even though there is plenty of evidence to suggest that said con artist employs various forms of mind control/conditioning? Ok space commie, have fun with that.

4244171 Ok, if it's O'Shovah then that is a different story! I like his group, they are a lot more honest in their ways.

So assuming this is the case judging from your last chapter, Applejack was teleported to the custody of communist space-bovines that refuse to believe in the warp until daemons are actively on the battlefield?

Well, better her than any of the others, especially the unicorns, their talents would be wasted especially if the Tau thought their magic was a threat to their Etherials. 'Course, I'm probably completely wrong. Looking forward to the rest of this story!

4244215 I for one, would rather follow a living corpse who's actions only served to help mankind than a pseudo warp user space communist overlord who's mindset is effectively "Join the empire or melt in plasma fire… or have your species' population made sterile on any worlds of yours we conquer".

That aside… argh, what can I say to compliment this story that I haven't said in the last one?

EDIT; I did not intend to imply that there was only one Ethereal. Should've used a plural form, sorry.

it would be interesting if the spell not only warps AJ on space but time too, lets say 6 years into the past?.
so when rainbow comes she find a really dark and battle hardened AJ who has developed a REALLY unhealthy hate for the Eldar and anything related to it, after a really bad encounter with one of their most xenophobic factions and the usual dosage of experimentation, lets cut her hooves to see how her telekinesis work take and eye to check how they can be so big keep her awake all the time to check her pain tolerance maybe a vivisection you know the usual stuff to have some nice and deep psychological scars :applejackconfused:

on another note if she is going to be with the tau can you make her part of the Gue'vesa faction?



I for one, would rather follow a living corpse who's actions only served to help mankind than a pseudo warp user space communist overlord who's mindset is effectively "Join the empire or melt in plasma fire… or have your species' population made sterile on any worlds of yours we conquer".
That aside… argh, what can I say to compliment this story that I haven't said in the last one?

First off. The Ethernals arn't a single entity, they form more of a noble council
2nd: "Communist" Really? The Tau aren't communist, a communist society wouldn't involve any form of government, hell they aren't even (very) socialist, they have more of a caste system.
3rd Really? You're trying to say that the imperium has more moral rights then the Tau?! The imperium has those exact same doctrines except they'd kill you instead of sterilizing you and the sterilizing thing is only in a few isolated cases.
4th ......... and what has the emperor done in the last 10 millennia that is so important?


Did you say 10 newtons?!?! TO LIFT A BLOCK SUPPOSEDLY THAT HEAVY?! Fml


Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story?


4th ......... and what has the emperor done in the last 10 millennia that is so important?


1- Has been such a threat to the forces of chaos that the Ruinous Powers themslves recognize his danger, dubbing him "Anathema"
2- has created a warp storm, the "Storm of the Emperor's Wrath" (might be getting the name wrong) comparable to the Maelstrom in catastrophic potential.
3- maintains the astronomicons ability to project as a beacon through the Warp itself
4- unendingly fights, repels, and contains breaches of Warp into realspace
The Emperor protects...

Isn't the Golden Throne failing, though? What happens when... when it fails completely and... and the Emperor...? No, I shouldn't speak such Heresy...!

Love how you referenced your Star Wars story xD

So Rainbow Dash is an Exarch...

Please let it be with the Farsight Enclaves. That would fit in with my headcannon *cough* sorry about that.

Do you think we'll get a visit from Nar'bok and his clan?

This looks reasonable so far, I hope you will portray the Tau correctly.

Also, please let it be the Farsight enclaves, cause that'd be awesome

Correct in all ways except one, thats not a crisis suit, it's a Hazard close support battlesuit. :twilightblush:


And after seeing the coverart, I can guess which factions that Applejack going to meet....

Tau and its better be Farsight Enclave


With Applejack Cutie Marks on it :ajsmug::ajsmug:

How in Warp names did you get the coverart?


I wonder which tau she'll end up with. The ones under the ethereals, or the ones under farsight? I'm kind of hoping for the latter.

It's standard warhammer art of the Tau with a bit of photoshopping on my part.

Is that heavy or are you being sarcastic? I don't know my weights really. :twilightblush:

Carfeul, from what i've heard drool isn't good for technology.

4254692 *Quickly Wipes Off Key Board* You saw nothing...

Your good... I recommend this man for a field ops roll for his cunning sarcasm... xD

Well, I did graduate as a fox from Oxford university, then go on to teach cunning as a professor.

Terrible black adder reference :pinkiecrazy:

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