Mare-Do-Well is captured. Canterlot has gathered to witness her end. What will come of this one lone filly's last stand?
1000 years ago the valiant and most holy god, lord Ahuizotl, vanquished the tyrant Nightmare Moon and the pony scourge of her 1000 armies of Equestria and delivered Equus from the eternal darkness. In his infinite generosity he saw fit to give Equus the light of the sun and to come down from his celestial throne to establish his most divine Empire of Talicon, to spread peace and order throughout Equus. His chosen people, the Felis, were returned to their rightful place as peacekeepers of the realm. In his infinite mercy he allowed the Gryphons, Minotaurs, and even the sinners, the unworthy ponies, their place in his utopia.
1000 years have passed since. The blighted, cursed ponies, the bringers of calamity, continue to live with their heads hung low, harnessed and blinkered, in service of the greater good. But a strange new affliction spreads amongst them. Mysterious markings appear on their flanks. Most call it a curse, the sign of the twin devils of Nightmare Moon and Celestia. But a few embrace it as a gift. They call themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', lead by the seemingly immortal hero, Mare-Do-Well.
This is the story of one Cutie Mark Crusader, and how her end became the beginning of many.
One-Shot. Written to the tune of 'Heroes' by the Aviators
Cover Art: I didn't even know Awesome came in this flavour. Kindly provided by FenrisianBrony
I call this story a success.
I loved it. Kinda makes me wish I could see it in full story form.
Sleep well Trixie, they fight for you.
Courage, now.
Truth, always.
Mare-do-Well Forever.
Please continue this story! I WANT MOAR!!!
Pretty please...?
My god, this is BEAUTIFUL. you gave Trixie a near Jesus complex, where she would die so that all ponies would be free, she would bleed for them, and by god that was AWESOME. I LOVED what you did with this one shot.
Damn, so many feels!
Trixie, even if you don't feel that way, you're the real hero. You were the one who made all this possible.
Rest in peace.
This...there are no words in the universe to quite describe how fucking awesome this is.
Trixie will live on forever in the hearts of all those who yearn for freedom. She became the pony worlds Spartacus.
You know, even that doesn't quite do it justice. I would so read a full on story around this universe.
I love this universe, the whole idea for it. I would have faved it if not for the romance. Still, have a like.
Such a shame that this beautiful gem has so few likes and views
Crudmuffins. I was just about to award you a round of applause for being the first author that had over 2 fanfics, whose stories I've faved all of....
Was the Twixie really neccessary?
BRAVO! I like this.
All causes like this have mayrters. This is an extremely good example of the power that lies in having a cause you believe in.
Good job, just good job.
I still get chills.
I MAY be wrong... BUT I don't think he's going to continue the story.
insert Why from Crisis Core