• Member Since 26th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen February 8th

Dusk Watch

Just the cool, marvelously not-smart editor. Me bang words with hammer until all commas dead.


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. · 1:03pm Aug 27th, 2014

So, I got nominated for this yesterday. Skeeter... You will pay.

Short version: LoyalLiar, 24th Pegasus, Ruirik, and Web of Hope—you're up. Tick tock...

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Comments ( 30 )
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I just realized that the Dusk Watch from The Night is Passing share a name with you. Thought that was neat.

Thanks for favoriting Kaleidoscope! :twilightsmile:

You've been challenged by Skeeter the Lurker to participate in the ice bucket challenge.

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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