• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe.


Tales off for Vacation · 7:32pm Apr 10th, 2023

Basically the title says it all: Tales will be taking a couple weeks off; don't know exactly how many, but chapters should be back before the end of April.


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No Tales This Week · 8:54pm Jan 23rd, 2023

Basically what it says in the title; I'm not happy with the quality of 12-3 and it needs a bit longer to sit before it's ready.

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Tales on Holiday Hiatus · 12:11am Nov 15th, 2022

The title basically says it all; there won't be a new Tales from Everfree City until the new year. In addition to the upcoming holidays, I used up my backlog of chapters and need some time to build them back up, and rather than having just one chapter in a new Tale drop, going a couple weeks without, grabbing one or two more and then taking another couple weeks off for Christmas and New Years (which probably wouldn't even land at a natural stopping point), I figure that our current spot

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Checking In · 7:12am Aug 2nd, 2022

I know I missed Tales last week, and I'm going to miss today's posting too; I promise this isn't a(nother) huge absence, I've just been busy with work and helping some friends move and haven't had the time I need to polish up 9-3. It is coming, it is being worked on, and I apologize for the delay.

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Tales Back, but Caveat · 3:15am May 28th, 2022

Howdy all,

Life continues to be busy for me, and I am suspecting this is my new normal, but after working w/ 24 on the outstanding The Sparrow in the Storm, I realized that I didn't want Tales to fall completely off of my radar. So here's a new chapter. I'll try to update weekly, but I cannot promise that, and I'm probably not going to make a big deal and announce it if I miss a week or two here and there.

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Tales Off for Indeterminate Gap · 1:51am Aug 3rd, 2021

Hello, everyone.

Making a long story short, while I'm okay and fully expecting to land on my feet, some very sudden unexpected changes in my work situation mean I've been unable to work on writing, and I might not be able to give it much focus for some time to come. I would love to give an estimate, but I really just don't have any information to share yet; things are still up in the air.

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Tales Off for 1 Week · 6:26pm Jul 2nd, 2021

Hey everyone; just a quick note: due to this weekend being the 4th of July and my being out of town, combined w/ some developments in the Price of Loyalty space that I can't really talk in any detail about yet taking up a bit of my attention, Tales from Everfree City will not have a new chapter on Tuesday, July 6th.

It's just the one week, however; expect Chapter 7-2 on July 13th, and watch this space for more news!


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Tales Returns, May 25th · 4:43am May 19th, 2021

Tales from Everfree City will return from its hiatus on May 25th, 2021, to resume its weekly update schedule.

That's it. That's the whole blog post.

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Tales Off Again · 1:32am Feb 19th, 2021

Dear Everyone,

I'm extremely sorry, but I'm going to have to put Tales on hiatus again for a couple of weeks. TL;DR someone stole parts out of my car, and this being not the first time I've had this experience at our current location, we're moving. Between finding a new apartment, packing things, shopping for a car, etc. all during Covid lockdown, I'm not going to have much time for writing.

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Tales Returns Tomorrow · 11:10pm Feb 8th, 2021

With life at least somewhat back to normal, I'm able to resume Tales from Everfree City's weekly update cycle tomorrow.

Thank you very much to everyone who sent messages or otherwise chimed in to express their support in a tough time.

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