• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
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  • Registered: Jan 7th, 2012

Stories ( 27 )

Top Stories

  • TAnything But The Gala
    Celestia has hosted the Gala for hundreds of years—and has hated every year of it. Now that her sister has returned to her, she hopes to share this painful royal duty. Shame for her that Luna wants nothing to do with the Gala.
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  • TTwilight Sparkle vs. The Haunted Mailbox
    Twilight has dealt with a variety of foes since coming to Ponyville. But she finds herself pulling out all the stops to deal with the most dastardly (and curious) fiend yet encountered: Sugarcube Corner’s haunted mailbox.
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  • TFreeport Venture: Trust Issues
    As Freeport’s foremost problem solver, Puzzle Piece finds himself needing to protect Sunset Shimmer, whose acquisition of the Black Codex—a potent, ancient book of black magic—has caused her to run afoul of warlocks who want the Codex back.
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  • TPrincesses Over Queensmouth
    Princess Cadance's life is fraught with intrigue, chaos, and diplomacy. Things only become crazier with the return of her Aunt Luna, and she finds herself responsible for her newfound aunt amid the mysteries in the seaside town of Queensmouth.
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