• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 9th



So, I'm gonna try again. · 11:48am Oct 17th, 2014

I had gotten an outline finished to cover where I wanted the story to go and some of the major parts that I had wanted to include. Unfortunately I lost it, likely during one of the formats I had to do with my drives. After that I just didn't have the gusto to work on it. I recently got a little bit of a jump in wanting to get it going and I'm currently re-doing the outline and it should be much better this time around. I'm considering leaving it more open ended now though, for me that is, just

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Report Hippie-Pie · 358 views ·
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Thanks for adding Pack Leader to your favorites. :pinkiehappy:

I appreciate the Fave! :yay: Don't forget to check out the rest of the Observations Universe.:rainbowdetermined2:

2177503 I hope you like them!!

2177497 Certainly! I do look forward to going through your works. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the follow! Have one back! Hopefully we can be friends!

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