• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 30th, 2016



Do you speak Applejackese? · 11:21pm Dec 3rd, 2013

So after far too long, the fourth chapter of "The Equestrian Experience" will be ready in a few days.

I am however in need of help. I need Pre, postreaders and editors.

If you are interested there are only a few things you need, skills in English spelling and grammar, and the blackheart to tell me when something is shit. It would also be nice if you know how to spell Applejackese since she will be in this chapter.

Hope to hear from you, if you are interested.

Love and Friendship.

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Report Happy-X-rays · 645 views · Story: The Equestrian Experience. ·
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He is gone, isn't he? :fluttercry:

PLZ UPDATE!! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

2002485 Are you done for good?

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