• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: The Last Problem

Months have passed since Flash's return, and everything is great in Equestria. Lightning is happily living his life and trying to decide if it's time to take his and Rarity's relationship to the next level.

But before he can, a new threat has appeared. A threat that seems to wield a magic like no other, one that no pony will see coming. With this new enemy demanding the end of Twilight's new reign, Lightning and his friends soon find they are the only thing that can stop them. But when a sacrifice is needed to overcome this threat, Lightning finds himself with an impossible choice: Save Equestria, or save those closest to him.

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (5)
Comments ( 50 )

I honestly didn’t expect we would get Flash Sentry Chronicles Epilogue story so soon but I am glad to see Flash and others back. :twilightsmile:

Look like Lightning finally got to be the star of his own story!

I can't help but this chapter does remind me of Kamen Rider Grease movie…. Is that intentional reference or just coincidence?

Anyway, I am interested in Lightning's relationship with Rarity cause his family have a curse of whoever married the male died in tragic way… the question is… can Lightning finally break the family curse once and for all?

I like that his friends (Wild, Script and Gorgonia) going to have big roles in this story since they are Lightning's closest friends and you can't have Lightning Blitz story without them.

He turned to the others, all seeing their tags were the same red, blue and green color as their coats. And each one had an image of themselves on different sections of the plastic. "What is this?" Script asked as the unicorn laughed.

"It's an embodiment of your friendship." He took each of the tags and held them up before stacking them together, Lightning's at the back with Gorgenia's at the front. The unicorns stared at the plastic, all seeing them stacked together, the four images sitting perfectly aligned and made up the picture that had originally been taken of the four. "It may help you remember." The unicorn gave them back to the four. "That even when you're not together, your bond will always be there."

I had a feeling his words are going to play important role later on in the story.

"Both my mother and grandmother died young through a completely random and unexpected event. What if marrying into my family dooms whoever's unlucky enough to catch our eye?" He sighed, thinking about Grand Hoof's past. "We don't know who my great grandparents were. What if my great grandmother died after giving birth and my great grandfather chose to leave gramps at the orphanage because he couldn't handle raising a child on his own?"

You know, that would make sense.

But it doesn't really matter since Grand's father is most likely dead.

I am looking forward for more of Lightning's story. :pinkiehappy:

I take it we will be seeing one of Applejack and rogue one day too

I have a suggestion for an epilogue, perhaps you could make one surrounding the home of Celestia and Luna - Skyros and introducing Opaline Arcana into your series for the first time?


Man, it is great to see more of this series! So, this is the first of a series of "Epilogue" stories for the series.

It looks like from the title that this is mainly going to focus on Lightning Blitz and his friends. It is still amazing to see how far they have all come from the villains they were in Season 1. It is good to hear that Wild and Pinkie are trying to have a baby together. Though, Lightning is a bit unsure about if he should ask Rarity to marry him, because he knows what happened to his mother and grandma and how they were both killed and doesn't want this potential "curse" to hurt Rarity. A noble concern for his part, but ultimately misplaced. Rarity is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, considering all the evil forces she has helped defeat, plus she has a lot of friends looking out for her. So Lightning shouldn't deny the two of them happiness by worrying about what might happen to her. Maybe if we're lucky, the end of this story will have their wedding like a few previous chapters did for the Mane 6.

Meanwhile, Flash and Twilight are preparing a conference to officially bring the Kirin into the alliance. I wonder how long until they officially change the name to the United Federation of Creatures as we know it will be? However, this new group of antagonists, the Crown Crushers, seem like bad news. Not only was their initiation horrifying in that it got multiple ponies killed, their goal of removing Equestria's monarchy sounds a lot like the Red Lotus to me.

Can't wait for more of this!

It’s great to return to the Flash Sentry world. I can’t wait to see what stories you have for us. Highlights below:

her reign had been going rather well, especially with the return of Flash Sentry, who had taken over as the new guard training officer in Canterlot. With him working to make sure the guards were well trained

Glad to see Flash is whipping the royal guard into shape. Also, I wonder how Equestria reacted to Flash’s return?

But their heads had a black helmet on, which covered everything except the ends of our snouts.

Did you mean to say “their” instead of “our”?

Their eyes were covered in a black visor, while their legs had straps wrapped around them, all of them showing holding knives and other weapons.

You can get rid of the word “showing”

Where the pony's cutie marks should have been, a white mark was sown into the fabric. This mark was of a hammer, crushing a crown beneath it.

Well that’s not a good sign

And as they did this, they soon found themselves about to fall prey to bear traps, trapping a few in extreme pain. Next were razor wire trip lines, cutting the ponies, leaving them looking a lot shorter. Holes filled with spikes, nail covered swinging logs and even a few landmines were scattered everywhere ahead of them as well. Some of these ponies just weren't able to get through it, causing them to be left behind in horrible states of pain while the rest weren't looking much beter.

Damn! Is this an MLP fanfic or Saving Private Ryan:twilightoops:

One managed to bite a pony in the back, making him scream and release the rope. They fell into the water and the rest of the bite-acudas went into a frenzy as they started swarming on the ponies and ripping them apart. The other ponies used this opening to pull themselves across the water, but some still lost their own grip and fell in as well, and any that even touched the water never made it to the other side.

Ok now it just became Piranha :pinkiesick:

"Check for survivors," he ordered. The ponies began to make their way through the cave, pulling everypony out to check to see if any were breathing. Some were and they were pulled over to the rest of the army while the rest were thrown in a pile off to the side. And when the last pony was found to be alive, though looking delirious, the commander turned to the pile before his horn sparked and unleashed a blast of magic.

The magic beam struck the pile and caused the fabric of a pony to catch fire. Soon, the entire pile was ablaze. And as the commander watched, he turned to the still living ponies as they were beginning to come around. Unlike before they entered the cave, they were now impossible to tell apart from the rest of the army. Their coats had turned pale white, causing them to mix in with the rest of the group.

Man, this guy is even scarier than Doom, Shadow, and Armalum and that’s saying something!:twilightoops:

"Seventeen survivors. A very good turnout." Considering over forty ponies had started this test, that was saying something. "You are now part of the Crown Crushers, who will rid our kingdom of the outdated monarchy. Soon, a new Equestria shall be born. An Equestria that shall never again suffer from threats. An Equestria that will give itself to the strong. An Equestria where anything that could be a threat will be wiped out before it can become one. Are you ready?"

Reminds me of the Red Locust group from Legend of Korra

At the exact same time, in a small village, a festival was going on. It was full of ponies, all enjoying rides and sweet treats, including a certain Lightning Blitz. He was watching a colt win a toy whale at a ring toss booth when two of his friends stepped up to him. Solid Script and Wild Smile were carrying a bunch of things they had gotten from the festival, Wild enjoying some cotton candy while Script had saddlebags full of other stuff.

It’s great to see these characters again.:twilightsmile:

"Must have learned it in the Crystal Empire," Script added. "Didn't she start working with Mistmane after that mare returned?" Lightning nodded


He turned to the others, all seeing their tags were the same red, blue and green color as their coats. And each one had an image of themselves on different sections of the plastic. "What is this?" Script asked as the unicorn laughed.

"It's an embodiment of your friendship." He took each of the tags and held them up before stacking them together, Lightning's at the back with Gorgenia's at the front. The unicorns stared at the plastic, all seeing them stacked together, the four images sitting perfectly aligned and made up the picture that had originally been taken of the four. "It may help you remember." The unicorn gave them back to the four. "That even when you're not together, your bond will always be there."

The four unicorns smiled before each placing the tags around their necks, paying the photographer for a job well done before heading out of the booth. They each looked down at their tags, smiles on their lips as they thought the same thing. They might never take this symbol of their friendship off. Not so long as they lived

Ok that is pretty cool:raritystarry:

"That's stupid," Iron scoffed, "Twilight's doing fine ruling. Great, even. Since she's taken over, we haven't had a single world destroying threat."

And now you jinxed it:facehoof:

"Wasn't that basically Shadow Corruptor?" Iron asked, "But yeah, I see your point. Even if the kid is good, it'll be stupid to expect every descendant of Twilight's to be good. Even if their offspring is an Alicorn who has Celestia's life span, they might eventually fall to darkness the same way Luna did."

Is that a reference to Opaline from G5?:trixieshiftright:

She shifted a chair a few degrees to the left, spun a water pitcher around and checked under the table to make sure nopony had stuck any gum or something onto it.

I hate people that do that, it’s so gross!:twilightangry2:

As she did this, the door opened to reveal Flash.

In a Mr Krabs voice: “Ah, Flashy me boy, how good to see you again.”

The pegasus hero's new body still had that freshly made smell to it

So wait Flash smells like a new car?:rainbowlaugh:
Twilight: “Oh I just love the newest Flash Sentry model, it’s got everything I’ll ever need”:trollestia:

"Your majesty, we've just completed the rooms exactly how you instructed. Fireproof magic for the kirin and dragon rooms, sugarless treats in the jakhowl's minibar, and sea scented cleaning supplies for the hippogriff's room."

Ah yes, we wouldn’t want a repeat of the infamous “Wild Sugar Springer Incident”, with that Yellow mouse showing up:raritywink:

"Twilight!" she called out, "Are you sure I can't add a few party cannons to the meeting room? I'm sure a loud surprise will liven things up when they get bored."

NO PINKIE!:pinkiegasp: We’re here to have a civilized discussion not blow up the entire building!:ajbemused:

"We'll probably discuss that when they get here," Twilight responded, "Pinkie, I need you to make sure the guests arriving are well entertained before the start of the meeting. Keep them happy and open to negotiations when they start. Think you can do that?"

Pinkie saluted, "You can count on me." With that, she bounced down the hallway

Twilight: “And no explosions or surprises!”
Pinkie: “Aw man.”:pinkiesad2:

"Alright!" Wild cheered, the puppets repeating his words as they all ran over. Soon they found a rocky area, the group soon finding a hot tub sized hole was waiting for them. It was full of water and gave off a refreshing scent, the four already feeling themselves relax as they breathed it in.

"I'm going in first!" Gorgenia exclaimed

No! Don’t do it!

"Things are going great," Lightning replied, "In fact...I'm thinking of asking her to take things to the next level." That got a gasp from all of them, smiles quickly returning to their faces.

"Go for it," Wild cheered, "It was the best decision I ever made. You'll be glad you did it."


"So what is it?" Wild asked, his puppets continuously asking about it. Lightning sat back and thought, his friends wondering what he would say. Then, someone appeared in his mind. Someone he hadn't thought of for a while.

"My mom." That made them tilt their head as he continued, "And...my grandmother. I might have never met her, but I know how awesome my grandmother was. And my mom. She was the best, most loving pony anyone could ever meet. I know she and Rarity would have loved each other."

"And?" Script asked.

"And what if it happens again?!" Lightning yelped, "What if me marrying Rarity is only going to doom her to some horrible fate?!"

His friends all leaned back at that, Script slowly asking, "You can't be serious. You think marrying you will get her killed?"

"Both my mother and grandmother died young through a completely random and unexpected event. What if marrying into my family dooms whoever's unlucky enough to catch our eye?" He sighed, thinking about Grand Hoof's past. "We don't know who my great grandparents were. What if my great grandmother died after giving birth and my great grandfather chose to leave gramps at the orphanage because he couldn't handle raising a child on his own?"

Poor Lightning, his family has been through a lot of tragedy :pinkiesad2:
Also I wonder if this story will reveal who Grand Hoof’s parents are?

And in that moment, they all suddenly noticed something. The water in the center of the pool was beginning to bubble even more than the rest of the spring, white form filling the pool from the middle outward. The four shared a glance, only for the white liquid to explode outwards and upward with incredible force. The four unicorns screamed as the force of the water blast propelled them out of the water. They all slammed down on the ground around the pool, the white foam covering their bodies as they let out groans of pain

I knew it!!:twilightoops:

All in all a really great way to start the new story, I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Also, in the future could we give you suggestions of what we would like to see in future stories?

I hope so. We didn’t get any Batpony representation in the Last Problem.

I don’t think we’ll be getting any G5 references here. Remember, in this continuity Celestia and Luna were born in the city of Faust


Not only was their initiation horrifying in that it got multiple ponies killed, their goal of removing Equestria's monarchy sounds a lot like the Red Lotus to me

I said the exact same thing!

If I rewrote Equestria girls I would have given sunset more Karma in this version were she loses a arm

Wasn't expecting a new epilogue story from these guys so soon, like seeing a good old friend! :pinkiehappy:

Looks like Lightning's next's step with Rarity may be a bit rocky with this fanatical group, especially after seeing what happens to those that *FAIL* those little tests!:pinkiegasp: Looking forward to see how it goes from here! :moustache:

And now for some good old Highlights! :raritystarry:

The ponies were running through the rock-scape and as they did, arrows came flying at them. Some were instantly shot down, unable to protect themselves while others used their weapons to deflect the arrows while others showed incredible speed and agility by dodging them.

And as they did this, they soon found themselves about to fall prey to bear traps, trapping a few in extreme pain. Next were razor wire trip lines, cutting the ponies, leaving them looking a lot shorter. Holes filled with spikes, nail covered swinging logs and even a few landmines were scattered everywhere ahead of them as well. Some of these ponies just weren't able to get through it, causing them to be left behind in horrible states of pain while the rest weren't looking much beter.

After this was a small lake with ropes going from one side to the other, though they weren't very far from the water. The first to reach these ropes leapt up and started pulling themselves across it, the others following, only for bite-acuda fish to swarm under them. The yellowish green fish with razor shape teeth leapt into the air, using their wing fins to get some extra height.

One managed to bite a pony in the back, making him scream and release the rope. They fell into the water and the rest of the bite-acudas went into a frenzy as they started swarming on the ponies and ripping them apart. The other ponies used this opening to pull themselves across the water, but some still lost their own grip and fell in as well, and any that even touched the water never made it to the other side.

..................what the hay????!!!:twilightoops:

"Seventeen survivors. A very good turnout." Considering over forty ponies had started this test, that was saying something. "You are now part of the Crown Crushers, who will rid our kingdom of the outdated monarchy. Soon, a new Equestria shall be born. An Equestria that shall never again suffer from threats. An Equestria that will give itself to the strong. An Equestria where anything that could be a threat will be wiped out before it can become one. Are you ready?"

"YES SIR!" The other soldiers roared with the still delirious ponies giving a halfhearted agreement.

Oh great, looks like some ponies drank the kooky kool-aid! :facehoof:

Twilight sighed, knowing he was right. Twilight was so glad Flash was back in her life. After being gone for six months, having him help her stay calm was a much welcome delight. The pair headed out of the room, only for a unicorn with a clipboard to walk up, "Your majesty, we've just completed the rooms exactly how you instructed. Fireproof magic for the kirin and dragon rooms, sugarless treats in the jakhowl's minibar, and sea scented cleaning supplies for the hippogriff's room."

lol glad to see Bookhorse on top of things again! :twilightsheepish:

Lightning shook his head. "No. Despite what happened, I know I've made up for what I did back then."

"So what is it?" Wild asked, his puppets continuously asking about it. Lightning sat back and thought, his friends wondering what he would say. Then, someone appeared in his mind. Someone he hadn't thought of for a while.

"My mom." That made them tilt their head as he continued, "And...my grandmother. I might have never met her, but I know how awesome my grandmother was. And my mom. She was the best, most loving pony anyone could ever meet. I know she and Rarity would have loved each other."

"And?" Script asked.

"And what if it happens again?!" Lightning yelped, "What if me marrying Rarity is only going to doom her to some horrible fate?!"

Well as much as I wanna say he's totally wrong...........:applejackunsure:

And in that moment, they all suddenly noticed something. The water in the center of the pool was beginning to bubble even more than the rest of the spring, white form filling the pool from the middle outward. The four shared a glance, only for the white liquid to explode outwards and upward with incredible force. The four unicorns screamed as the force of the water blast propelled them out of the water. They all slammed down on the ground around the pool, the white foam covering their bodies as they let out groans of pain

OH:rainbowkiss:..........guess that explains why no one was using this place! :rainbowlaugh:

Looking forward to the next chapter Banshee, later!!!:twilightsmile:

So, did Spike ever end up finding himself another love interest in your Flash Sentry Chronicles series and someone who reciprocates romantic feelings for him after getting over Rarity or is he forever single?

And will Sunset also get some romantic tease with someone (she is bisexual so a guy or a girl works) like the rest of the Rainbooms or will she be the only single person in her entire friend group? It'd be pretty sad if she was the only single person among the group. Will Sunset's status as the only one without a romantic love interest be brought up by the other Rainbooms, likely trying to set her up on dates as a result?

Is the equestria girls series canon in the stories?

Wow! I didn’t expect Overthrow being a bunch of former Royal Guards who are either retired or washouts… that's a good twist.

Considered how Royal Guards tend to get their ass whooped by villains and not being taken seriously, it's understandable why they would turn to evil… though, their reasons are not good.

Here's highlights

"Rune Gate?" Halberd slightly gasped, "I heard of that, but never got the chance to see one. Is there one in the castle?" Cobalt nodded. "Don't suppose I could see it, could it? One guard to another, do me a favor."

Why would Halberd be asking about Rune Gate? I knows he probably want to check it out but-

"That room leads to the Rune Gate?" Halberd asked, Cobalt nodding. "Good." As he said that, a big grin appeared on his face before he reached into his saddlebag. Cobalt turned to him, only to see the older pony pull out some kind of deodorant can. The next thing he knew, the can was unleashing a white mist that struck both him and the soldiers guarding it.

"What?!" Cobalt yelped, coughing as the mist filled his lungs. "What are you doing?" Then he heard a clanging sound, making him glance back and see the guard's spears had fallen to the ground.

"My magic!" One of them cried, "It won't activate!" Cobalt then grunted as he tried to activate his own magic, but his horn wouldn't even spark.

YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!! :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

Cobalt glanced up at this, only to see a bunch of armored ponies wearing helmets walking out of the portal. He then turned to Halberd. "Why?"

Halberd shined the biggest grin at this, "Because it's time for a new regime to begin." With that, he thrust his hoof into the stallion's face.


"What are you talking about?" Cold asked, "You have the same training? Why would...you were a Royal Guard."

The guard nodded before reaching up to the hair covering his face. "And I gave everything to protect Equestria. Mind, soul...and body." He moved the hair and revealed the other side of his face, which was badly burned, scarred and disfigured.

:fluttershyouch: That's got to be hurt.

The four stared at the invaders, rage flowing through them as Lightning growled, "You've got a lot of nerve, attacking my home." Lightning took out a pair of daggers and charged them with energy as the other four prepared to attack as well.

"Be careful!" Grand yelled, "They-" But he couldn't finish as the soldiers unleashed a blast of white mist that surrounded the four. "NO!"

But as Grand screamed that, he went wide-eyed as he saw a bolt of lightning explode out of the cloud. It struck an earth pony and blasted him back, shocking everypony as the mist faded. Lightning charged at this, his daggers still floating around him as he fired them at the soldiers, who all barely managed to block them with their weapons.

Yeah! I knew that hot spring would come in handy! Take them out, Lightning! :rainbowdetermined2:

"They said they were going to tell somepony about us," Gorgenia continued, "Mould Breaker?" Lightning noticed Grand's frown.

"Do you know who that is?" Everypony else turned to Grand, the pony's frown growing.

"There was a pony who went by that name in the guard, but he left a long time ago. He was one of the best guards I ever trained. I actually expected him to one day be Royal Knight material, but then he was injured in the line of duty. A unicorn criminal with fire magic was on the run and Breaker was injured attempting to capture him. He spent months recovering, but was badly scarred and chose to leave the guard after that. I haven't heard of him since."

Grand can't really take a break? First, he have a best friend who let his obsession over Cutie Mark get to him and almost blew up Canterlot, then, his son becomes a megalomaniac who creates a weapon that would put Equestria in danger and now, his former student wanted to take Twilight out so he could be the ruler of Equestria.

Poor Grand. :ajsleepy:

So, this group is called Overthrow and the members are called Crown Crushers. Their goal of wanting the guards to be the actual rulers of Equestria, since they are the ones facing the threats, basically sounds like they are just trying to make it a military dictatorship.

I know that the Royal Guards tend to get a lot of flak for their extremely poor track record in the series, but the idea of a villainous group of former guards that have retired or washed out is interesting. You can taste the irony that these guards are more competent as villains than they were when they were actually doing their jobs. Plus, whatever that weird mist is it is able to negate any powers it comes into contact with. It's not exclusively negating magic, because it is even depowering the Jakhowls. That's scary.

For whatever reason, Lightning and his friends are all immune to it. If I had to guess, it would probably have something to do with that hot spring and whatever made them all sick afterwards. But whatever reason, the fact that they are immune means they are the one best suited for stopping Overthrow and taking Mould Breaker down.

As she finished looking through the books, Rarity turned to a photo behind the counter. It was something she had hung up so that she wouldn't feel homesick whenever she was in Canterlot or Manehatten. The photo was of her, Sweetie, Lightning and all her closest friends. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Lightning standing beside her while also thinking about how far the pair of them had come. When she first met Lightning, she absolutely hated his arrogant attitude. Him attempting to conquer Equestria also didn't help with that idea.

But when he came to live in Ponyville, showing how different he had become, she learned to see past his flaws and saw the true gentlecolt he could be. And over time, her admiration for him became an attraction. And when they started dating, it developed into love. Now, Rarity couldn't imagine a future without him. She hoped he would always be a part of her life, which brought her to thinking of a simple question. "When is he going to ask me?"

That's cute. Rarity reflecting on her relationship with Lightning Blitz. They are perhaps the most surprising and unlikely couples you would have suspected to get together when this series started, yet they became one of the best. I think it's cute that even Rarity is just waiting and hoping Lightning will propose to her soon. I wonder what she would think if she found out the reason he is hesitant to do so though, due to worrying for her safety?

"I guess," Rarity sighed as she placed her head on the counter. "But half my friends have already gotten married. And I bet it won't be long before Flash chooses to pop the question. When they get married, it'll be even bigger than Cadance and Shining's wedding. How am I supposed to follow that up?"

"I don't think you can," Sassy giggled.

"Exactly!" Rarity groaned, "I mean, I don't mind waiting, but Lightning had better ask me soon. It's one thing getting married after Rainbow. But if Applejack gets engaged before me, then I'll be really annoyed."

Oh yeah, Flash and Twilight's wedding (whenever it will be) will definitely be the wedding of the century, maybe even the millennium. Though I also have to admit Rarity has a point about how embarrassing it will be if she gets married after Applejack, considering AJ got in a relationship last out of the group.

Wow! This chapter was really intense, I don’t even know what to expect in the next chapter.:pinkiecrazy:
Highlights below:

Lightning let out a sigh as he sat in the train car. It had been several days since the festival, but Lightning and his friends had been unable to leave the small town. Their little dip in the hot spring had had...strange consequences. The town's doctors had told them they were fine, but Lightning still felt a little weird.

Really, nothing? Not even a little time traveling?:raritywink:

He needed to asked Rarity to marry him, though he still didn't have a full plan for that...or a ring.

You accidentally wrote “asked” instead of “ask”.

Rarity was hard at work in her store as Sassy unboxxed the new dresses Rarity had brought over, the white unicorn now going over the books. Having three stores in three of the most important locations in Equestria, though Ponyville had only become important after she opened her store there, had seriously gotten her name recognized. Rarity couldn't help but wonder how many more stores she would open over the next few years...and where?

Hey Sassy good to see that you made it into the series. Also Rarity how do you feel about opening a boutique in Yakyakistan?:duck:

She hoped he would always be a part of her life, which brought her to thinking of a simple question. "When is he going to ask me?"

You won’t have to wait much longer Rarity:ajsmug:

"I guess," Rarity sighed as she placed her head on the counter. "But half my friends have already gotten married. And I bet it won't be long before Flash chooses to pop the question. When they get married, it'll be even bigger than Cadance and Shining's wedding. How am I supposed to follow that up?"

"I don't think you can," Sassy giggled.

"Exactly!" Rarity groaned, "I mean, I don't mind waiting, but Lightning had better ask me soon. It's one thing getting married after Rainbow. But if Applejack gets engaged before me, then I'll be really annoyed."

I always thought that Twilight and Flash would be the next to get married.

Iron was having the guards do their morning exercises. He was following Flash's training regiment, actually impressed by how well it was designed. Having each guard unit do their training after their days off, meaning they were fully rested and ready to improve themselves, was a smart move.

Good to see that Flash is whipping everyone into shape.

"Sir Core!" A guard marched up to him, Iron recognizing him as an unicorn known as Cobalt.

Hey Cobalt, good to see you again.:pinkiesmile:

"Can you blame them? Ace and Mira are always talking about how much fun it is. I was a little worried they wouldn't enjoy it so much, once you stepped down and let that other pony take over. What's her name again?"

"Starlight," Twilight replied, "And you don't have to worry about the school's quality going down. She was my first and best student. She knows what needs to be taught there and the best way to teach it."

Good to see you again Springer. Also I wonder if the Student Six will get their own story?:rainbowhuh:

Mirage nodded as the doors opened and two other ponies walked inside.

The first was a Celestia sized pony with gray fur and a green mane that surrounded her entire head. The kirin leader smiled at them while the other kirin looked around and gave a giddy smirk.

"Hey there!" The cream creature exclaimed, her red mane fluttering as she rushed forward and excitedly shook Twilight's hoof. "It's so nice to meet you!" She shook Flash, then Springer's paw. "Well, we've technically met before but we were kind of in the middle of something there. Now we get to really introduce ourselves and it's awesome!"

Yay, we get more Kirins:pinkiehappy:

Outside, the pony press were trying to get pictures of the delegates as the guards pushed them back. But as this happened, amongst the group was a lone pony wearing a black hooded shirt. Their coat was pure white and when they looked through the hood, their bright red eyes stared at the building

Uh oh:twilightoops:

"I think they intend to contact anypony who's ever been part of the military. Retired ponies and washouts from the core."

I wonder if that means they’re gonna contact Lightning Blitz and the Washouts?

"Rune Gate?" Halberd slightly gasped, "I heard of that, but never got the chance to see one. Is there one in the castle?" Cobalt nodded. "Don't suppose I could see it, could it? One guard to another, do me a favor."

I don’t trust this, something’s up:trixieshiftleft:

"What did you-" He turned back to Halberd, only for a hoof to slam into his face. As Cobalt fell to the ground, the other two guards reached for their spears, only for Halberd to close the gap between them and deal a swift kick to each. The pair were sent staggering back as Halberd kicked the door open to the Rune Gate. He then reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a metal disk with several runes carved into it, which he threw at the stone platform. When it landed, the runes on the disk glowed and caused the Rune Gate to power up. A second later, a new portal formed and ponies began walking out of it.

Cobalt glanced up at this, only to see a bunch of armored ponies wearing helmets walking out of the portal. He then turned to Halberd. "Why?"

Halberd shined the biggest grin at this, "Because it's time for a new regime to begin." With that, he thrust his hoof into the stallion's face.


The pony laughed as he looked up at Iron, his one uncovered eye glowing as he stared him down. "You really think you can beat me? I know everything you know about fighting. After all, I was trained in the same manner as you. And with my powers, I have the edge over you."

"What are you talking about?" Cold asked, "You have the same training? Why would...you were a Royal Guard."

The guard nodded before reaching up to the hair covering his face. "And I gave everything to protect Equestria. Mind, soul...and body." He moved the hair and revealed the other side of his face, which was badly burned, scarred and disfigured.

Ok I need to know this guys backstory now!:pinkiegasp:

He then unleashed several iron shards at this, only for the group to dodge and deflect them all. The sight made him almost flinch, only for Cold to add, "I've got a jar of Spike's dragon fire in my office. I can send a message to them." Iron nodded, as some more soldiers charged, Iron slamming his spear into the ground and causing a bunch of metal spikes to fly out, knocking some of them back.


Cold watched in shock as the guards Flash had worked hard to train were taken out easily. "Was that this Phantom Magic he was talking about?" He whispered before rushing to his office. Quickly grabbing a scroll and quill, he hurriedly wrote a message to Twilight before moving it to a jar containing an eternally glowing green flame.

The door suddenly burst open as Cold placed the scroll inside the flame. Soldiers rushed in and Cold unleashed a blast of ice, trying to form a wall between him and the attackers, but the soldiers raised their hooves and unleashed the white smoke, which melted through the ice and soon struck Cold.

"Augh!" He cried as the last of the scroll burned up

Ok, he was able to send a letter good

In a flash, the four appeared in the town, only to gasp as they saw that the town was mostly untouched, though the smoke was coming from the center. Quickly running over, they saw the first pony laying on the ground. "Rainbow!" Gorgenia cried as she ran over to the pegasus. The mare let out a moan as she was rolled onto her back, as more yells filled the air.

They looked ahead and saw Grand, Applejack and even Big Mac fighting against a trio of unicorn and earth pony soldiers. Scattered around them were other ponies, like Rogue, Starlight and Trixie. Grand swung his hammer at this, but the soldier dodged it before firing a blast of magic. Grand leapt to the side, but was quickly tackled by an earth pony and sent flying. At the same time, another unicorn picked Applejack and Mac up in his magic before throwing them both into the side of a building. The pair smashed into the wall and crashed through it, screaming as they were buried under the rubble.

Canterlot has fallen!!:twilightoops:

"Be careful!" Grand yelled, "They-" But he couldn't finish as the soldiers unleashed a blast of white mist that surrounded the four. "NO!"

But as Grand screamed that, he went wide-eyed as he saw a bolt of lightning explode out of the cloud. It struck an earth pony and blasted him back, shocking everypony as the mist faded. Lightning charged at this, his daggers still floating around him as he fired them at the soldiers, who all barely managed to block them with their weapons.

"What?!" One asked, "How are you using magic?!"

They’re immune!?:rainbowderp: Thank you magic hot spring!:rainbowdetermined2:

"There was a pony who went by that name in the guard, but he left a long time ago. He was one of the best guards I ever trained. I actually expected him to one day be Royal Knight material, but then he was injured in the line of duty. A unicorn criminal with fire magic was on the run and Breaker was injured attempting to capture him. He spent months recovering, but was badly scarred and chose to leave the guard after that. I haven't heard of him since."

So that explains the “Two Face” look:rainbowhuh:

Can’t wait to see what happens next week:pinkiehappy:


"That room leads to the Rune Gate?" Halberd asked, Cobalt nodding. "Good." As he said that, a big grin appeared on his face before he reached into his saddlebag. Cobalt turned to him, only to see the older pony pull out some kind of deodorant can. The next thing he knew, the can was unleashing a white mist that struck both him and the soldiers guarding it.

"What?!" Cobalt yelped, coughing as the mist filled his lungs. "What are you doing?" Then he heard a clanging sound, making him glance back and see the guard's spears had fallen to the ground.

"My magic!" One of them cried, "It won't activate!" Cobalt then grunted as he tried to activate his own magic, but his horn wouldn't even spark.

YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!! :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:


"What are you talking about?" Cold asked, "You have the same training? Why would...you were a Royal Guard."

The guard nodded before reaching up to the hair covering his face. "And I gave everything to protect Equestria. Mind, soul...and body." He moved the hair and revealed the other side of his face, which was badly burned, scarred and disfigured.

:fluttershyouch: That's got to be hurt.

He’s basically an evil version of Zuko


Plus, whatever that weird mist is it is able to negate any powers it comes into contact with. It's not exclusively negating magic, because it is even depowering the Jakhowls. That's scary.

Plus Dragons, Changelings, and what other creatures are there

At least she wants to be married to so he wont have to worry about her answer just has to ask

That bastard! :twilightangry2: I hope Lightning whoop his sorry ass!

Anyway, I like the explanation on the origin of Phantom Magic… sound like Armalum's action did lead to the creation of Phantom Magic… even in death, he somehow cause the mess for the heroes.

Here's highlights

"Exactly," Flash nodded. "So the question is...where did it come from?" But as soon as he asked that, he suddenly clutched his head. "AUGH!" Everyone gasped as Flash almost fell over, Twilight about to ask if he was okay, only for Flash to let out a gasp before saying, "Okay. Go for it."

"Go for what?" Springer asked, only for Flash to open his eyes and reveal they were glowing white.

"Flash?" Twilight asked.

"Not exactly," he replied in a feminine voice. This made everyone flinch, some fearing the Phantom Magic had done something else to Flash...but then Springer recognized the voice.


Flash nodded. "Yes. It's good to see you all again. Flash has allowed me to borrow his body so I can explain what's going on. But I'll have to be quick, since Flash's body won't be able to hold my consciousness for too long."

Faust's back! :pinkiehappy:

They turned to see a bunch of oddly dressed ponies marching down the street, carrying weapons and looking ready for a fight. "That doesn't look good," Rarity whispered before seeing the ponies stopped and turned to them, their weapons raising ready to attack. "We have to run."

"Now, now, my dear." A voice made her stop as the group of soldiers stepped aside to let somepony through: Mould Breaker. "Please don't run away. You might hurt my troops' feelings. We actually came to invite you to the castle."

Rarity shrunk back at that, now seeing the smile on the unicorn's face.

You better not hurt her, you creep! :flutterrage:

Twilight shook her head at this. "We don't have the time to test it. If we are to win this, I think we need to fight fire with fire," she took a deep breath at this, "I'm going to create a weapon using Phantom Magic. A Celestic Gear level device that will give us the advantage we need."

"Make it for me." They all turned to see what looked like a wet and beaten Lightning Blitz standing at the doorway. The unicorn was leaning against the door frame, looking ready to drop at any moment. But his glare was hard and serious, which Twilight knew could only mean one thing. "They've got Rarity."

Oh… Shit just got real…. When Lightning act like this, you knows how dead serious he is when they took Rarity from him… no one took his lady away! Not on his watch! :rainbowdetermined2:

Well, we finally know what's causes everyone's powers to fail. A new type of magic called Phantom Magic that was created when Faust was "deceased". That also explains why it affects Jakhowls who don't have magic, since the whole world was out of whack at the time and even affecting them. So even in death, Armalum continues to find a way to haunt Flash and his friends with his actions.

Mould Breaker is such a hypocrite here though. He claims that the guards should be the ones protecting Equestria, yet he takes Rarity hostage just to lure out Lightning, acknowledging her as Lightning's love. Not only is that not a tactic a true Royal Guard would do, especially to an innocent civilian, it's something a villain would do. I'm almost scared to think what he plans to do with Rarity once Lightning is taken care of, especially how he seems touchy with her towards the end there.

I'm not sure I like the idea of a Phantom Magic Celestic Gear, since it sounds pretty dangerous, especially being made from this type of magic that Faust herself called "a mistake". But if it is the only thing that can help Lightning even the odds and save Rarity then I guess it's our best bet. I know that Lightning will never be a Royal Knight as part of his punishment for his past crimes, but if he uses this Celestic Gear, would that make him a temporary honorary Royal Knight?

Another great chapter. Loved how the action has really picked up and shown how much of a threat Mold Breaker is. I can’t wait to see Lighting with his very own Celestic gear and him being possibly called the “Phantom Knight”. Highlights below:

In Canterlot Castle, the guards had all been subdued. None of them were dead, but they had all been beaten into various states. Now, they were all tied up and currently being held in the throne room. There, Halberd was sitting upon Twilight's throne, the earth pony smiling at the situation as the Overthrow Soldiers stared at the beaten guards.

You traitorous scumbag! You don’t deserve to sit on the throne!:flutterrage:

Halberd shook his head at this, "Don't be silly. We're offering you the chance to do what you came to his castle to do. Protect Equestria

Did you mean to say “came to THIS castle”?

Halberd shook his head at this, "Don't be silly. We're offering you the chance to do what you came to his castle to do. Protect Equestria. Face it, the guards have no respect in this kingdom. Whenever a threat arises, who do the citizens turn to? Not us. They expect the princess, or the Royal Knights, or a farmer and a party planner to be the heroes. Not us."

Can you blame em?:ajbemused:

Breaker took a deep breath at this, now feeling the power of this relic flow, "Excellent. Now, nothing can stop me." But in that moment, the doors of the room flew open as a bunch of soldiers rushed inside.


"We went to Ponyville and attacked, just like you commanded."

Iron's eyes went wide at this before growling, the knight now squirming against his bonds.

Oh when he Gets out of there you are in for a world of pain:pinkiecrazy:

Lightning and the others had gone to the School of Friendship. Many expected to use some of Spike's jarred fire, but Starlight had something else in mind. "Twilight and I made this to talk whenever Spike was out on some other task." They went into her office and sitting on her desk opposite to Phyllis the Fern, was a crystal.

Phyllis lives!

Script nodded. "I did intend to have myself checked out when I returned to Canterlot, but I don't think we need to wonder what caused those ailments. We must have been exposed to this Phantom Magic

So does that mean it’ll eventually wear off or do you develop an immunity to it once exposed?:rainbowhuh:

"AUGH!" Everyone gasped as Flash almost fell over, Twilight about to ask if he was okay, only for Flash to let out a gasp before saying, "Okay. Go for it."

You forgot “was” in between “Twilight” and “about”

"Exactly," Flash nodded. "So the question is...where did it come from?" But as soon as he asked that, he suddenly clutched his head. "AUGH!" Everyone gasped as Flash almost fell over, Twilight about to ask if he was okay, only for Flash to let out a gasp before saying, "Okay. Go for it."

"Go for what?" Springer asked, only for Flash to open his eyes and reveal they were glowing white.

"Flash?" Twilight asked.

"Not exactly," he replied in a feminine voice. This made everyone flinch, some fearing the Phantom Magic had done something else to Flash...but then Springer recognized the voice.


Hey, Faust good to see you again.

"Phantom Magic? Is that what you're calling it? Yes, I know what it is. A mistake. Created during a time when the world had nopony to keep it from going haywire."

"What do you mean?" Springer asked.

Faust sighed and shook Flash's head, "As you all no doubt remember, about a year ago, my consciousness was extinguished and almost lost forever. It's only thanks to Flash that I was able to return." They nodded back before she continued, "During the time that I was gone, the world had nothing keeping it from breaking down. You all saw the effect that had on the world before Flash chose to give himself up to repair everything."

Twilight let this sink in, "Wait...are you saying the Phantom Magic manifested because there was nopony keeping the world from breaking down?"

"Exactly," Faust nodded again, "When Flash basically rebooted the universe, the Phantom Magic was sealed in areas of the earth. But now, it's starting to break free. One of the areas it's being released from happened to be the exact area Lightning and his friends were bathing. It was pure luck that they were exposed to the Phantom Magic, which is now flowing through their systems and granting them immunity to other spells cast using it."

Great, even dead Armalum is STILL causing problems in Equestria:facehoof:

Rarity and Sassy had gone out to lunch. The pair smiled as they sat in the Tasty Treat and enjoyed the exotic meal Saffron and Coriander had created. "Exquisite," Rarity sighed as Coriander smiled at her. "Dining here is always the highlight of coming to Canterlot."

Yay, I’m glad we get to return here, even if it’s for a little bit

Fancy stepped up in front of Rarity. "Why are you doing this? If you're attempting to take the throne from Twilight, I'll have you locked up for treason!"

"Treason?!" Breaker laughed, "History won't see this as treason. It'll see this as a liberation. Now, step aside. Miss Rarity has an appointment at the castle." Fancy just glared at him, making Breaker sigh. "Very well." His horn glowed before unleashing a beam of light, which struck Fancy before an aura surrounded him.

"Fancy!" Fleur screamed as Fancy was lifted into the air before Breaker threw him across the street, slamming him into the side of a building while the soldiers ran up to him

Hey, be nice to him! He’s one of the only nice ponies in the Canterlot Elite society:twilightangry2:

And a Fancy fell, Fleur and Sassy were grabbed and pushed away. This caused Rarity to be surrounded, the mare screaming as she tried to use some of the attack magic she had seen Lightning use. But before she could, she was sprayed by some white mist

You forgot the “s” in “as” in between “And” and “Fancy

As this happened, Rarity was still being held by some soldiers, only for Wild's puppets to slam into them. "Raaaaah!" Wild leapt and kicked one away from Rarity, the soldier dropping his spear. The others then turned to attack him, but his puppets flew down and were stabbed instead


"Now it's our turn to smash it like Flash did," Wild added as he also charged up his magic. Gorgenia just nodded, charging up her own as the three glared him down. Three beams, one red, one blue and one green, slammed into Mould Breaker and caused a large explosion that completely engulfed him. The explosion rocketed straight up, forming a mushroom cloud that could be seen from any spot in the city


"You really think you can defeat me?" Breaker laughed as he put down the field and quickly threw a punch, the gem on his chest glowing, his hoof doing the same

Did you mean to say “shield” instead of “field”?

The disappeared just as the dagger got to them, the blade then hitting the ground with a clang.

Did you mean to say “THEY disappeared” instead of “the”?

"I'm going to create a weapon using Phantom Magic. A Celestic Gear level device that will give us the advantage we need."

"Make it for me." They all turned to see what looked like a wet and beaten Lightning Blitz standing at the doorway

Hoo boy, he’s about to whoop some Overthrower ass!:rainbowdetermined2:


Oh… Shit just got real…. When Lightning act like this, you knows how dead serious he is when they took Rarity from him… no one took his lady away! Not on his watch! :rainbowdetermined2:


things looking very bad

These Royal guard rejects are sure riding high on their arrogance, doesn't help that this *phantom magic* they use is like a residue from when Faust was gone, Even when vanished Junkpile still giving out bites to our heroes flanks, like an annoying mosquito!!! :twilightangry2:

And then there's the bigest piece of crap Breaker with that relic powering him up while depowering everyone else with that stupid magic, not to mention taking Rarity hostage to goad Lighting out.........to say I want this loser's head dragged through the mud by the end of this tale would be an understatement, hopefully Lightning will do that very soon!!!:flutterrage:

As for Highlights :

"That's why you're doing this?!" Cobalt groaned, "You're just jealous!"

"Of course not," Halberd replied, "I'm doing this so that Equestria will never have to rely on anypony except the guards. And when we have complete control over this kingdom, you will all be given the chance to gain the power our soldiers have. The power of the Phantom Magic. The power to do many amazing things. With it, the Royal Guard will never be seen as weak again. The next time a threat appears in Equestria, we will destroy it."

Yeah yeah, keep thinking that loser boy! :twilightangry2:

power?" Iron nodded, "Well, that's it."

"But I thought it was out of power." Iron replied.

"It is," Breaker nodded, "But when Halberd told me about this, I realised it wouldn't be difficult to re-energise it. Especially for somepony with the Phantom Magic." His horn started glowing and unleashed a clear white magic, which flowed into the device and made it start to glow. The relic's gem started changing colour, as if it was filling with a hazy white fog.

Slowly, the relic moved to Breaker. The unicorn removed his body armor and when the relic touched his chest, magical strands began to flow out of the parts where the tips should have been. One of them moved under Breaker's chest while the other two flowed over his shoulders. They moved down his body and eventually came to a stop as a glowing ring materialized behind his legs and the strands connected to it. The light then began to fade, revealing metal straps connected to a band.

Breaker took a deep breath at this, now feeling the power of this relic flow, "Excellent. Now, nothing can stop me."

Not the first one to say that line, probably won't be the last! :ajbemused:

Grand then turned to Lightning and his friends, "Do you have any idea why this Phantom Magic didn't affect you?"

"What?!" Twilight yelled, "It didn't affect you?!"

"Pretty much," Wild nodded, "We all got a full blast of it, but we're still able to use our magic without a problem." His puppets flew around him, Pinkie appearing on the screen and looking relieved to see he was alright.

"Maybe they didn't breathe it in?" Flash guessed.

"I don't think it's that simple," Twilight replied while shaking her head, "There has to be something you four did to make you immune to whatever that Phantom Magic did. Think. Has anything out of the ordinary happened to you recently?"

The four shared a glance, only for Script's eyes to go wide. "The hot spring!"

"Hot spring?" Applejack asked.

"When we were at the fair," Script responded, "We came across a natural hot spring that had recently appeared. We all took a dip and relaxed, but then something caused the water to blast out like a geyser. We were all blown out of the spring. And now that I think about it, the air was filled with some kind of white mist..."

At least that mishap did some good to these 4! :pinkiehappy:

"Exactly," Flash nodded. "So the question is...where did it come from?" But as soon as he asked that, he suddenly clutched his head. "AUGH!" Everyone gasped as Flash almost fell over, Twilight about to ask if he was okay, only for Flash to let out a gasp before saying, "Okay. Go for it."

"Go for what?" Springer asked, only for Flash to open his eyes and reveal they were glowing white.

"Flash?" Twilight asked.

"Not exactly," he replied in a feminine voice. This made everyone flinch, some fearing the Phantom Magic had done something else to Flash...but then Springer recognized the voice.


Flash nodded. "Yes. It's good to see you all again. Flash has allowed me to borrow his body so I can explain what's going on. But I'll have to be quick, since Flash's body won't be able to hold my consciousness for too long."

Hey Faust, good to see you pop in for a bit! :raritystarry:

"So what do we do?" Grand asked, only to see Faust frown.

"That's up to you to figure out. I'm afraid I cannot help with this situation. The Phantom Magic is outside of my realm of control. But I know you'll figure it out. Good luck." With that, she closed Flash's eyes before the pegasus staggered around.

"Whoa..." he moaned in his own voice, "That was weird."

And now we return you to our regular scheduled crisis! :rainbowwild:

Lightning groaned as he pushed himself up. "I...I won't abandon you."

"Please!" Rarity was crying now, "If he kills you, there's no telling what he'll do to me! But if you get away, he'll still need me as a hostage. Get out of here! You said Twilight's working on a way to defeat him. Save me when you have it!" Breaker was getting closer. "RUN!"

Lightning heard this and took a deep breath. His horn flared at this, grabbing his friends in his magic. Seeing this, Breaker yelled, "Oh, no you don't!" He then threw the dagger, only for light to consume the four. They disappeared just as the dagger got to them, the blade then hitting the ground with a clang.

Breaker let out a hiss, only to sigh, "Whatever. He'll be back." He turned to Rarity, "We have what he cares for most." Rarity squirmed again at this, only for Breaker to walk up and place a hoof under her chin. "You should have let me finish him off. Next time, I won't make it quick. It'll be slow and painful. I promise." Rarity just glared back at him, "Good...bring her to the castle. We have much to do."

You're gonna pay loser, in more ways than one! :flutterrage:

Looking forward to see this fake military dictatorship taken multiple pegs down soon Banshee, great work! :twilightsmile:

Well, this is interesting and heartbreaking chapter.

Lightning finally achieved his power up but at the cost of his three best friends… I had a feeling this won't sit well for everyone.

The best thing we could do is watching Lightning beat the hell out of Breaker to avenge his fallen friends.

Halberd continued to sit upon Twilight's throne, as the rest of the guards were still tied up along Iron and Cold hidden away somewhere else in the castle. The Crown Crushers still kept them at bay, threatening to make them overdose on the smoke they could produce and seal their magic forever. That kept the guards pretty well neutralised, allowing Halberd to enjoy his seat of power with the biggest grin on his face.

Wipe that stupid grin off and get out of that throne, you traitor! :flutterrage:

A pair of pegasi soldiers flew down and grabbed Halberd, pulling him toward the chamber. "NO!" He cried, "You can't! I've already been exposed to Phantom Magic today! I don't have my Earth Pony strength! Shouldn't you let me regain it before I have to prove myself?"

Breaker said nothing, letting him be dragged into the chamber. Everypony watched as Halberd was thrown inside, the door slamming shut before he could do anything. "Don't do this to me!" But his words fell on deaf ears as the valves were spun on the canisters and a hissing filled the chamber. "NO!" Halberd saw the smoke stream into the chamber, "NOOOOOOO!" He was soon completely engulfed by the smoke, everypony gasping as they heard him gag and retch at it.

He slammed his hooves into the glass, but the chamber didn't budge. The strength of his punches weakened every time as he did this, his fur now going pale. And eventually, the punches just stopped and his now bleach white hoof slid down the glass. The gas slowly began to disappear next, fading into nothing and revealing the earth pony laying against the glass.

Rarity wanted to throw up while the guards looked horrified. And when the last of the smoke faded, Breaker nodded and the chamber was opened. A unicorn poked Halberd, then turned to their leader and shook his head. "Such a shame." Breaker sighed, "But if he wasn't strong enough, he didn't deserve to be part of the new regime." He turned to the rest of them, "I wonder which of you will have the strength when your time comes."

That's what you get for selling Equestria out, traitor! Karma!

Breaker glared back at him. "I survived being exposed to ten times that much when I first found the cave. If I can survive that, you can survive it. But if you can't, it just proves Twilight should have never trusted you with protecting Equestria." He then leaned back into the throne, "But that all changes now that I am in command. From now on, Equestria shall follow the natural order of the world: Strength...equals justice."

"He's insane," Rarity whispered before turning to the nearest window. "Lightning..."

Exactly, Rarity… Lightning, you better save her from that creep.

Soul nodded back, Flash now watching the gems begin to merge together and reshape themselves. As it did this, he couldn't help but notice it was taking a very familiar shape. "The Alicorn Amulet?!" He yelped, "Twilight, don't you realise what that thing is?! What that means?!"

Spits drink

ALICORN AMULET?!?! :pinkiegasp:

"I couldn't protect them," Lightning looked away, "I couldn't protect her." He let out a low growl before yelling, "I COULDN'T PROTECT ANYPONY!" He punched a wall, the pain he felt was barely anything compared to what he was already feeling.

"Lightning," Grand grabbed his shoulder, "This isn't your fault. We were taken by surprise. We couldn't have predicted something like this."

Lightning's eyes began to water, "That seems to be a theme in our family." Grand blinked at this, only for the unicorn to continue, "Grandma...mom...and now Rarity. They all got involved in our family and something horrible and unexpected happened to them." He slid down the wall at this, "Our family is cursed to lose the ones we love."

Poor Lightning… he had enough tragedy… give him a break for once! :fluttercry:

"There won't be any serious effects after the extraction. But surviving the actual extraction is another story. There's a chance they'll survive and just need to rest. But there's also a chance it could be like when Flash's Sacred Light was drained out of him."

Pinkie turned to Wild, "Wild..." She clutched his hoof, as if fearing that she might lose him.

Grand looked down at Script, sighing as he thought about the unicorn dying. They might not have always gotten along, but he didn't want Script or any of Lightning's friends losing their lives. Wild and Pinkie had so much life to live together. Gorgenia one of the best sculptors in Equestria and Script's Rune Magic could change the kingdom for the better in so many ways.

Lightning stared at the three, then turned to Twilight, "I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT TO THEM!" He suddenly yelled, Flash jumping between them and pushing the unicorn back. "I CAN'T LOSE THEM!"

What is up with Lightning's family curse with them losing their loved one.

His family is definitely the Kennedy of Equestria.

Twilight nodded and took the other vial, drinking it down and frowning at the taste. As she did this, Wild turned to Pinkie. The pair stared into one another's eyes, Wild clutching her hoof tightly. "Pinkie, if I don't make it-"

"You'll make it," she interrupted.

Wild smiled at this. "Just...promise me you won't throw your life away. If I'm gone and another stallion one day catches your heart, don't let yourself give up on happiness for me." Pinkie was really crying now. "You're gonna be a great mom someday, even if the child isn't mine."

"WILD!" Pinkie pulled him closer, crying while the others could only frown. Script and Gorgenia wanted to tell Wild he didn't have to do this, but they knew he wouldn't let them go through this without them. They would all risk their lives together to help Lightning overcome this evil.

Wow… Wild could have sat this out and have a wonderful life with Pinkie but he chose to willing to sacrifice himself to help Lightning and saving Equestria.

Wild is a true hero.

"No," Grand shook his head, "Leave him. Lightning's strong. He can handle himself. Right now, we need to focus on the fight that's coming." Flash nodded as they heard another cry of pain and looked around to see Wild clutching the sheets between his teeth. Pinkie looked heartbroken, the sight of her love in such pain looking like it would destroy her. But no matter how much it hurt her, it was obviously hurting Twilight more.

The alicorn was trying to block out the sounds of their screams, focusing only on removing the Phantom Magic. But the agony they were going through was just too much. "I'm sorry," she cried before looking up at the item. Even after all that, it still wasn't fully charged. "Just hold on a little longer." Script, Wild and Gorgenia all screamed as their bodies felt like knives were digging into them from every direction. "Come on...come on..."

If I read this before Lightning Birthday Battle chapter, I would be smiling to see Script in pain… but… even I am uncomfortable with watching them in pain.

Breaker listened with a slight frown as the sounds of the fight got closer and closer. "That fool doesn't know when to give up." He sighed before picking himself up, heading to the exit as the gem on his chest glowed bright. "Guess I'll have to teach him what happens to criminals while I'm in charge."

"You're the criminal." He stopped and turned to Rarity. "And Lightning is the hero. He may have made mistakes in the past, but he's more than made up for them. And he's spent every day since then fighting to protect this kingdom." The unicorn glared at him, "You will never defeat him."

"And why's that?" Breaker asked.

Rarity smiled as she heard Lightning's roar of battle. "That stallion is stubborn, arrogant and prideful. That's just who he is. But he also cares for his friends. And so long as they need help, he'll fight until his last breath to help them." Her grin grew at this, "Because he is a hero of justice."

Breaker stared at her, then chuckled. "Hero? Oh please. They don't exist." He walked up and crouched down, staring right into her eyes. "That's just your imagination." With that, he headed out the throne room.

You will be eaten your words when Lightning whoop your ass. :rainbowdetermined2:

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Breaker roared, as the light merged with his body and made it start to change shape. And when the light faded, it revealed a monster in its place. It was still roughly pony shaped, but its body was now covered in murky green scales. The relic was still in the same spot, but now it seemed to be embedded into the body with the green scales surrounding it. Spikes were also sticking out of the scales, at the shoulders, knees and along the back of his body. His head also had scales, covering everything except his eyes and mouth, while his horn had transformed to look more like a harpoon. And instead of his normal pony tail, he had what appeared to be a scorpion tail. But instead of a stinger, it had the blade from his knife sticking out the end.

In that moment, Flash, Springer and Iron spoke in unison.

"Armorize!" Flash yelled as his body was engulfed in Sacred Light and Corrupted Shadow.

"Armorize!" Iron added as his Celestic Gear morphed into a tiger themed suit of armor.

"Mega Mode Power!" Springer roared as his body transformed and reshaped.

Lightning took one final deep breath, letting all his sorrow and rage toward Breaker flow out of him. Instead, he felt his urge to save Rarity and protect Equestria fill him up and spoke that single word. "Armorize." The ghostly forms of his friends exploded into the coloured light and shot toward him, slamming into his body and forming the armor around him.

When the light faded, Lightning was now wearing a mixture of red, blue and green armor. He was wearing a white body suit beneath the armor, which also wrapped around his tail. The item Twilight made was now locked into red chest armor, while his legs were in a quartet of green metal boots. And on his back was a pair of blue metal rods, each rod having a pair of yellow gem spikes sticking out of them to make them appear like wings. A similar spike was on the end of his tail, while his head was inside a yellow helmet. His face was uncovered and his horn was now inside a protective part of the helmet, that section being green, blue, red and then yellow at the tip.

Breaker flinched at this, now seeing electricity wildly fly off the new armor. "I feel power overloading." Lightning commented, "My soul is sparking." The energy died down and began to flow properly through him. "MY STORM IS SURGING!" It was in that moment that he and all the other transformed warriors began to charge, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

HELL YEAH!!!! Lightning got his own power up! Breaker is about to enter the world of pain. :rainbowdetermined2:

Well, that was certainly something. Some people were probably curious about how, in the future, Pinkie could have Lil Cheese whilst not being with Cheese Sandwich. Well, I hope this answers that question.

I find it ironic how you have Wild become Pinkie's boyfriend because you didn't like the idea of Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich being together as Cheese is too much like Pinkie and yet, you ultimately killed Wild off and have Pinkie be with Cheese Sandwich at the end.

Very irony, Banshee.

Yikes, this is getting ugly.

Lightning went on the warpath against Overthrow both to save Rarity and because of what the alternative could mean for his friends. Honestly, seeing Lightning going around yelling about his rage frightened me a bit since it felt like he was going down a dark path.

Seeing his three friends willing go through with it anyway though just to give Lightning a better chance was both heartwarming for showing how much he means to them and vice-versa, but at the same time heartbreaking for what happens to them afterwards, especially with Wild Smile since he left Pinkie behind. Though, part of me is hopeful that this isn't the end for them yet, since everyone threw a fit when they thought you killed off Flash and look what happened after that. Plus that isn't even the first time a supposedly dead character was still alive, like when Shadow became Void. So until there is irrefutable confirmation Wild, Script, and Gorgenia are dead for good I am not losing hope!

Meanwhile it seems like Overthrow is falling apart. Halberd met a pretty graphic end when he was forced to undergo the trial with the Phantom Magic gas. I can't say I feel bad for him after his betrayal. Plus it seems like his death just made a lot of the Crown Crushers question if they want to stick around anymore. Plus, Mould Breaker's sudden transformation into The Phantom Beast seems symbolic, since it feel like it is transforming him into the monster he truly is on the inside.

But now that Iron and Cold are free and the others are slowly getting their magic back and providing Lightning with assistance, it looks like the end is near.

Ok yeah this chapter's just........................................WHAT THE HEY!!!!! :flutterrage:

While I didn't give 2 bits for that crappy Halberd meeting his ironic end (seriously good riddance) I can't say the same for Lightning's friends, but like SuperSonic until I see a plaque with their names they are not gone! :fluttercry::applejackunsure:

Looking forward to see Lightning putting this Breaker loser in his place for good, alongside his crappy guard army, bring it!!! :twilightangry2:

And now some Highlights :

"The future," Breaker declared, "Instead of sending our soldiers to the cave in order to run their final test, they simply have to step in here. We've already filled the cans with Phantom Magic gas. It'll be funnelled into the airtight chamber and they'll be exposed to it."

"Impressive," Halberd nodded before slowly going wide-eyed, "Wait, you don't intend for me to..."

Breaker shined a big grin at this, "I allowed you to join us without the trial because I needed somepony to get us into the castle. But now that we've taken it over, we have no more use for a pony who hasn't proven he's strong enough to survive the Phantom Magic."

A pair of pegasi soldiers flew down and grabbed Halberd, pulling him toward the chamber. "NO!" He cried, "You can't! I've already been exposed to Phantom Magic today! I don't have my Earth Pony strength! Shouldn't you let me regain it before I have to prove myself?"

Breaker said nothing, letting him be dragged into the chamber. Everypony watched as Halberd was thrown inside, the door slamming shut before he could do anything. "Don't do this to me!" But his words fell on deaf ears as the valves were spun on the canisters and a hissing filled the chamber. "NO!" Halberd saw the smoke stream into the chamber, "NOOOOOOO!" He was soon completely engulfed by the smoke, everypony gasping as they heard him gag and retch at it.

He slammed his hooves into the glass, but the chamber didn't budge. The strength of his punches weakened every time as he did this, his fur now going pale. And eventually, the punches just stopped and his now bleach white hoof slid down the glass. The gas slowly began to disappear next, fading into nothing and revealing the earth pony laying against the glass.

And thus end the very short reign of Halberd, no one will miss you! :ajbemused:

"I couldn't protect them," Lightning looked away, "I couldn't protect her." He let out a low growl before yelling, "I COULDN'T PROTECT ANYPONY!" He punched a wall, the pain he felt was barely anything compared to what he was already feeling.

"Lightning," Grand grabbed his shoulder, "This isn't your fault. We were taken by surprise. We couldn't have predicted something like this."

Lightning's eyes began to water, "That seems to be a theme in our family." Grand blinked at this, only for the unicorn to continue, "Grandma...mom...and now Rarity. They all got involved in our family and something horrible and unexpected happened to them." He slid down the wall at this, "Our family is cursed to lose the ones we love."

Doggone it dude!!! :fluttercry:

Twilight nodded and took the other vial, drinking it down and frowning at the taste. As she did this, Wild turned to Pinkie. The pair stared into one another's eyes, Wild clutching her hoof tightly. "Pinkie, if I don't make it-"

"You'll make it," she interrupted.

Wild smiled at this. "Just...promise me you won't throw your life away. If I'm gone and another stallion one day catches your heart, don't let yourself give up on happiness for me." Pinkie was really crying now. "You're gonna be a great mom someday, even if the child isn't mine."

"WILD!" Pinkie pulled him closer, crying while the others could only frown. Script and Gorgenia wanted to tell Wild he didn't have to do this, but they knew he wouldn't let them go through this without them. They would all risk their lives together to help Lightning overcome this evil.

Oh heck no....:fluttercry:

"Alright," Starlight replied, "You girls know what to do."

They nodded and with one final warp, they appeared inside the chamber. "What the?!" A soldier cried, only to be blasted by Mirage's Aura Force.

Fluttershy quickly shrank down and spotted Iron as Starlight and Mirage fought against the soldiers. She ran over to them and morphed into a tiny rabbit in order to give herself the awareness to not be taken by a surprise attack.

"Gas 'em!" One soldier yelled, the group unleashing their white smoke. But even after they were surrounded by the gas, Starlight and Mirage were still able to blast them with magic and aura.

Gas this jackasses!!!:ajsmug:

Breaker let out a long hiss before pushing himself up. "You...insolent...worm!" He stood tall at this, "YOU WILL PAY!" It was then that the relic on Breaker's chest began to glow, the light from it growing brighter. And as Breaker picked himself up, the light exploded out of it and completely surrounded him.

"What the-"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Breaker roared, as the light merged with his body and made it start to change shape. And when the light faded, it revealed a monster in its place. It was still roughly pony shaped, but its body was now covered in murky green scales. The relic was still in the same spot, but now it seemed to be embedded into the body with the green scales surrounding it. Spikes were also sticking out of the scales, at the shoulders, knees and along the back of his body. His head also had scales, covering everything except his eyes and mouth, while his horn had transformed to look more like a harpoon. And instead of his normal pony tail, he had what appeared to be a scorpion tail. But instead of a stinger, it had the blade from his knife sticking out the end.

Oh good, now Breaker's outside matches his inside! :pinkiegasp:

"Gramps," he groaned as Grand stepped up to him. And when he did this, Lightning noticed something in his hooves. "That's..." He glanced up at his grandfather, "No...they didn't."

Grand sighed as he turned to their opponents. "Those three willingly sacrificed themselves for your sake."

Those words were like a dagger to Lightning's heart. And as he took the item from Grand, the faces of his friends appeared in the forefront of his mind. Their happy, silly and stupidly loyal faces. "No." He felt himself fighting to hold back his tears. "Why?! Why would they do this?!"

Grand's own heart felt like it would break as he held something else out to Lightning. When his grandson looked up, he saw they were his friend's dog tags. "They did this because they wanted to help you. To give you the strength to keep moving forward, even if they weren't there with you."

OH HECK NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!:raritycry:

Lightning took one final deep breath, letting all his sorrow and rage toward Breaker flow out of him. Instead, he felt his urge to save Rarity and protect Equestria fill him up and spoke that single word. "Armorize." The ghostly forms of his friends exploded into the coloured light and shot toward him, slamming into his body and forming the armor around him.

When the light faded, Lightning was now wearing a mixture of red, blue and green armor. He was wearing a white body suit beneath the armor, which also wrapped around his tail. The item Twilight made was now locked into red chest armor, while his legs were in a quartet of green metal boots. And on his back was a pair of blue metal rods, each rod having a pair of yellow gem spikes sticking out of them to make them appear like wings. A similar spike was on the end of his tail, while his head was inside a yellow helmet. His face was uncovered and his horn was now inside a protective part of the helmet, that section being green, blue, red and then yellow at the tip.

Bury this bastard Lightning!:twilightangry2:

Looking forward to this loser *most deserved* smackdown next chapter, till then Banshee! :twilightsmile:

Ok new chapter, lets see what happens this week:pinkiesmile:

Highlights below:

Halberd continued to sit upon Twilight's throne, as the rest of the guards were still tied up along Iron and Cold hidden away somewhere else in the castle. The Crown Crushers still kept them at bay, threatening to make them overdose on the smoke they could produce and seal their magic forever. That kept the guards pretty well neutralised, allowing Halberd to enjoy his seat of power with the biggest grin on his face.

You’re no Soldier, you’re just some power hungry A hole!:twilightangry2:

"Exactly," Breaker chuckled before a sinister expression appeared on his face. "And I think it's about time you joined our organisation in an official capacity." As he said that, the doors of the room opened and several soldiers pushed what looked like a glass chamber of sorts hooked up to multiple tubes and canisters while having a door with a submarine lock on the front.

The machine was pushed into the center of the throne room as Halberd tilted his head. "What is that?"

"The future," Breaker declared, "Instead of sending our soldiers to the cave in order to run their final test, they simply have to step in here. We've already filled the cans with Phantom Magic gas. It'll be funnelled into the airtight chamber and they'll be exposed to it."

"Impressive," Halberd nodded before slowly going wide-eyed, "Wait, you don't intend for me to..."

Breaker shined a big grin at this, "I allowed you to join us without the trial because I needed somepony to get us into the castle. But now that we've taken it over, we have no more use for a pony who hasn't proven he's strong enough to survive the Phantom Magic."

Oh please die, please please please die!:pinkiecrazy:

NO!" Halberd saw the smoke stream into the chamber, "NOOOOOOO!" He was soon completely engulfed by the smoke, everypony gasping as they heard him gag and retch at it.

He slammed his hooves into the glass, but the chamber didn't budge. The strength of his punches weakened every time as he did this, his fur now going pale. And eventually, the punches just stopped and his now bleach white hoof slid down the glass. The gas slowly began to disappear next, fading into nothing and revealing the earth pony laying against the glass.

Rarity wanted to throw up while the guards looked horrified. And when the last of the smoke faded, Breaker nodded and the chamber was opened. A unicorn poked Halberd, then turned to their leader and shook his head. "Such a shame."

Good!, that’s what you deserve the traitorous piece of trash

In the Castle of Friendship's kitchen, Zecora was working with Starlight, Trixie and Sunburst.

It would’ve been funny if Trixie and Zecora decided to leave Starlight and Sunburst alone to finish the potion if you catch my drift :raritywink:

All that would have happened if you would have been beaten, like you already were. Maybe even more so

Did you mean to say “IS” instead of “IF”?

Lightning's eyes began to water, "That seems to be a theme in our family." Grand blinked at this, only for the unicorn to continue, "Grandma...mom...and now Rarity. They all got involved in our family and something horrible and unexpected happened to them." He slid down the wall at this, "Our family is cursed to lose the ones we love."

Grand shook his head and knelt down in front of him. "Stop that. We're not cursed. We've just...not had the best of luck in this area." Lightning just glanced away at this, making Grand flinch, "Lightning...what happened to Live Wire and Daisy Chain was a tragedy, and it caused our family a lot of grief. But that doesn't mean Rarity will follow in their footsteps."

"How can you be so sure of that?"

"I didn't have a chance to save your grandmother, and your father couldn't save your mother. But you still have a chance. You can save Rarity. But not if you just sit there feeling sorry for yourself." Lightning glanced up at him, only to sigh as he began to get up

We will not let this become a “Canon Event”!

"I...I don't know." Twilight turned to Lightning, "The Phantom Magic is a foreign substance, so removing it might have no serious effects. But...there's a chance they might not survive the process."

"What?!" Lightning yelped, "What do you mean, they might not survive?! You said removing it wouldn't have any serious effects!"

"There won't be any serious effects after the extraction. But surviving the actual extraction is another story. There's a chance they'll survive and just need to rest. But there's also a chance it could be like when Flash's Sacred Light was drained out of him."

Pinkie turned to Wild, "Wild..." She clutched his hoof, as if fearing that she might lose him

NO! DON’T TOU DARE!:flutterrage:

Gorgenia one of the best sculptors in Equestria and Script's Rune Magic could change the kingdom for the better in so many ways.

Us fans also want Trixie and Script to get together:ajsleepy:

"Lightning...this might be our only option."

Lightning glared back at them. "Would you be willing to do it?" He gestured to Rainbow and Applejack, "Risk them losing their lives so you could be strong enough to defeat an opponent?"

None of them answered this, the answer obvious to everypony. Lightning turned away and went to the door, reaching up and taking the dog tag out from behind his bracer and stared at it. The metal and plastic version of him smiled back, Lightning remembering the image he had seen when all the tags were together.

He clutched it tightly as tears filled his eyes. "These three have always been there for me. They're always going on about how I accepted them despite how different they were. But the truth is, they're the ones who accepted me. I was angry at the world and wanted to tear it down. They knew what I was doing was wrong, but they stood by me...because they didn't want me to be alone."

Grand nodded, "They're good friends."

"The best," Lightning replied, "I...I don't think I can carry on without them. If I don't have them by my side, I won't be able to move forward."

Oh gosh, it’s “Flash’s Destiny” all over again:fluttercry:

Wild also tried to sit up, Pinkie telling him to lay down falling on deaf ears. "He thinks he can't do anything without us, but he's wrong. He's done so much without us there. The things he's managed to do on his own...so wild."

Now’s not the time for a pun!:raritydespair:
And Of course Flash would be the brave/stupid one to test it first:ajsmug:

That just leaves Cold and Iron...and who know where they are right now."

Your forgot the “s” in “knows”

"And she won't be alone," Starlight added, "I'm going with her."

"So am I." They turned to see Fluttershy with a picture frame under her wing. "I'm going to save Iron." They felt they should probably try and talk her out of this, but they knew Fluttershy could be stubborn when she wanted to be.


The sun was beginning to rise in Canterlot, once again the work of Soul and the amulet. As the light of the celestial body filled the streets, a pony could be seen walking through it. Lightning Blitz, the unicorn marching toward the castle with a look of determination on his face. He would stop Breaker, free Rarity and prevent his friends from risking their lives

He’s back

"Oh, I learned my lesson. Don't let a pizza faced freak push me around."


Lightning just stared them down and took out a bunch of daggers, all of them floating around him. And as his body exploded with electrical energy, he charged, "OUT OF MY WAY!"

Unleash hell Lightning!

Springer then sensed Flash's approach, the pegasus arriving in the kitchen with a sombre expression on his face. "Are you okay?" Flash replied by holding up the item Twilight had made. "Finished?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "Twilight's resting. The process took a lot out of her."

"What about Script and the others?" Trixie asked, but Flash's expression told them everything. "No way."

Up in the room, Twilight had fallen unconscious against the wall. As she rested, Grand and Pinkie were next to the three unicorns as they laid still on the bed. Pinkie was hugging Wild while Grand held something in his hooves. Three dog tags.

"I won't let your sacrifice be in vain," he told them before turning to leave.


But as they threw their jabs, Lightning completely vanished and they ended up hitting themselves, the unicorn reappearing next to one of his daggers. The pegasi near him were shocked by this, only to be more shocked when they were electrocuted.

Oh ha ha very funny:ajbemused:

Breaker stared at her, then chuckled. "Hero? Oh please. They don't exist." He walked up and crouched down, staring right into her eyes. "That's just your imagination." With that, he headed out the throne room.

I can’t wait to see Lighting kick that smug grin of his scared face:twilightangry2:

"He must be in the underground caverns," Starlight sighed, "That could be a problem. I could teleport us down there, but not knowing what's waiting for us means I could accidentally drop us into a solid wall."

Looks like we’ve got an X2 Nightcrawler problem

Fluttershy quickly shrank down and spotted Iron as Starlight and Mirage fought against the soldiers. She ran over to them and morphed into a tiny rabbit in order to give herself the awareness to not be taken by a surprise attack.

Yay, the bunny power is finally used!:yay:

"You ready to get back into the fight?" Iron took his Celestic Gear and smiled when he saw it transform while Cold's horn glowed and formed an ice sword.

"You have to ask?" The Frozen Wanderer replied as Starlight surrounded them all in her magic. And in a flash, they all vanished.


He threw Breaker's hoof away and dealt his own punch before spinning around and kicking him in the chest. Breaker staggered back before firing a beam from his horn, only for Lightning to dive under it before doing a back flip and kicking Breaker right in the head.


Breaker let out a long hiss before pushing himself up. "You...insolent...worm!" He stood tall at this, "YOU WILL PAY!" It was then that the relic on Breaker's chest began to glow, the light from it growing brighter. And as Breaker picked himself up, the light exploded out of it and completely surrounded him.

"What the-"

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Breaker roared, as the light merged with his body and made it start to change shape. And when the light faded, it revealed a monster in its place. It was still roughly pony shaped, but its body was now covered in murky green scales. The relic was still in the same spot, but now it seemed to be embedded into the body with the green scales surrounding it. Spikes were also sticking out of the scales, at the shoulders, knees and along the back of his body. His head also had scales, covering everything except his eyes and mouth, while his horn had transformed to look more like a harpoon. And instead of his normal pony tail, he had what appeared to be a scorpion tail. But instead of a stinger, it had the blade from his knife sticking out the end


"What?" Lightning suddenly felt a powerful wind blow past him, then the stinging pain of a hundred slashes ripping through his body. "GYAAAAAAH!" He was then knocked flying into a wall, only for Breaker to suddenly appear and axe kick him into the ground. "AUGH!"

"This is what true power is!" Breaker yelled as he crushed his hoof into Lightning's chest. "The power to crush anything that gets in your way." He kicked Lightning upward and grabbed his cloak. "Strength is justice. And the strongest make the rules!" Suddenly, Lightning felt himself being dragged along the ground at super speed, the pony screaming as he felt his body grind against the ground.

Then, Breaker stopped and Lightning continued forward, his cloak ripping to pieces as he was thrown into a wall before screaming in pain. And as this happened, Breaker's horn began to glow. "And the weakest have to sit back and take it." He unleashed a blast of light at this, the beam of magic instantly hitting Lightning.


Breaker flinched at this, now seeing electricity wildly fly off the new armor.

Oh would you look at that, the big scary monster is scared:rainbowdetermined2:

"I feel power overloading." Lightning commented, "My soul is sparking." The energy died down and began to flow properly through him. "MY STORM IS SURGING!" It was in that moment that he and all the other transformed warriors began to charge, "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

Let’s set the mood:

Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go vent my emotions


That's what you get for selling Equestria out, traitor! Karma!


What is up with Lightning's family curse with them losing their loved one.

His family is definitely the Kennedy of Equestria.

If you think that’s bad? You ain’t seen nothing until you’ve played “What Remains of Edith Finch”

You will be eaten your words when Lightning whoop your ass. :rainbowdetermined2:


I find it ironic how you have Wild become Pinkie's boyfriend because you didn't like the idea of Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich being together as Cheese is too much like Pinkie and yet, you ultimately killed Wild off and have Pinkie be with Cheese Sandwich at the end.

Very irony, Banshee.

Yeah, but that doesn’t make sense! He could’ve given Pinkie and Wild an Next Gen OC but now all of sudden he follows the continuity with a ship that he didn’t really like, and since we’ve gotten to know Wild better in this universe than Cheese….This just feels like an “Ass Pull”:facehoof:


Though, part of me is hopeful that this isn't the end for them yet, since everyone threw a fit when they thought you killed off Flash and look what happened after that. Plus that isn't even the first time a supposedly dead character was still alive, like when Shadow became Void. So until there is irrefutable confirmation Wild, Script, and Gorgenia are dead for good I am not losing hope!

It better be another fake out or there is gonna be hell to pay!:twilightangry2:


Bury this bastard Lightning!:twilightangry2:


next chapter be action packed

phantom beast dont tell power rangers

Apparently a lot of shows and media have things called “Phantom Beasts”

Springer then sensed Flash's approach, the pegasus arriving in the kitchen with a sombre expression on his face. "Are you okay?" Flash replied by holding up the item Twilight had made. "Finished?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "Twilight's resting. The process took a lot out of her."

"What about Script and the others?" Trixie asked, but Flash's expression told them everything. "No way."

Up in the room, Twilight had fallen unconscious against the wall. As she rested, Grand and Pinkie were next to the three unicorns as they laid still on the bed. Pinkie was hugging Wild while Grand held something in his hooves. Three dog tags.

"I won't let your sacrifice be in vain," he told them before turning to leave.

I swear to God this has to be another freakout. If those three unicorns are actually dead for real, I'm unfollowing you. For REAL.

Well, that was certainly something. Some people were probably curious about how, in the future, Pinkie could have Lil Cheese whilst not being with Cheese Sandwich. Well, I hope this answers that question

But I thought you don't ship Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich because they were "too similar" in your opinion. You could have made a OC that is Pinkie's and Wild's foal. What changed?


I swear to God this has to be another freakout. If those three unicorns are actually dead for real, I'm unfollowing you. For REAL.


But I thought you don't ship Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich because they were "too similar" in your opinion. You could have made a OC that is Pinkie's and Wild's foal. What changed?

That’s what I said too!

It was fun way to end this saga for… now.

For those who read this story, this story is based on Kamen Rider Grease movie and I saw it… so yeah, I knew Banshee wouldn’t killed off Lightning's friends since the movie have Grease's friends survives… glad he was faking out about their "death".

Through, I did chuckled when Lightning chased after his three friends for making him think they're "dead".

What a fitting way to end his story… he went from being a villain to a hero.

Since Lightning got married with Rarity, that would leave Applejack & Rogue and especially Flash & Twilight being the only one to not being married yet.

Here's highlights

Breaker watched as Lightning leapt as well, his three friends turning to light and swirling around one another to create a glowing vortex. And when Lightning jumped into it, the vortex morphed into a drill of green, blue, red and yellow energy. "Electron Fusion...STRIKE!" The drill slammed into Breaker, the attack instantly hitting the relic.

"No...NO!" Breaker screamed as an explosion consumed him next, the relic shattering to pieces at the same time. The sight made Rarity lift a hoof in front of her eyes, shielding herself from the explosion's light. And as it died down, Lightning appeared above Breaker, the unicorn now beaten and burned. Cracking filled the air next, all looking down as the relic's pieces hit the street, only for Breaker's body to begin to steam. The Phantom Magic within him was seeping out, the unicorn's distorted form looking ready to fall apart.

"I never..." He coughed, "I never expected...he'd be this strong." He tried to get up at this, "How...is this possible?"

Lightning looked away, "It's because I have someone to protect." The image of Rarity flowed through his mind, along with all the other ponies he cared about. "While you have nothing." He then glanced down at Breaker, "That's the difference."

Breaker slowly looked up at him, only for his body to burst into smoke and disappear into nothing. Lightning stared at the spot, wondering if he was responsible or if it was just a side effect of the relic's destruction. Either way, Equestria had been saved. Without its leader, Overthrow wouldn't be as big of a threat. And hopefully, the other ponies affected by the Phantom Magic wouldn't think to try anything against them.

LIGHTNING WON!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

"Thanks." Lightning muttered out before lifting up a hoof, Rarity seeing it was holding the tags. She then saw tears begin to form, "Gorgenia...Wild...Script." Rarity started to go wide-eyed as he added, "They...they..." He couldn't bring himself to say it as he remembered their faces and voices.

"Lightning," Gorgenia's voice echoed in his head.

"Lightning," Wild laughed in his mind.

"Lightning," Script spoke softly in his memories. The voices he would never forget, and never hear again.

"LIGHTNING!" Three familiar voices then spoke out, making Lightning's eyes fly open as he glanced back. And when he did, his heart stopped when he saw three certain ponies running up to them. Script, Wild and Gorgenia practically tackled him, hugging him tightly as they called out how he had won and saved Equestria.

I KNEW IT!!!!! Banshee, you slime dog!!!!!!

And in one part of the city, Lightning and Rarity was sitting on a bench, watching the sun slowly lower. Lightning was no longer wearing the item Twilight had made for him, but he had it at hoof if he ever needed to Armorize again. Now the pair was simply sitting together, enjoying each other's company.

At least, he got his power up.

"I was playing with Lil' Cheese today, and I realized she doesn't have her mom or her dad's coat. Why is that?"

Lightning frowned at this. "Well...not everypony has the same coat as their parents. Your Aunt Twilight's purple, but neither of her parents are that color."

That's not a good answer, Lightning! :ajbemused:

"Alright. You really wanna know?" Topaz nodded again as Lightning sat down besides her. "When Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Wild wanted a foal, they were having trouble getting one."


"It's...complicated. Anyway. After a while, they had some tests done. It appeared that your Uncle Wild had...issues. Issues that made having foals tough. So after a while, they decided to get some help and...they asked a friend to help them, and Lil Cheese is the result."

So… that's why they have Lil Cheese? Wild was having issues in giving birth to the kids… wow, that rough.

Yeah, a lot of you realised it was just a fake out. Hope you still enjoyed the chapter. I have no idea when I'm gonna do another one of these. Might not be for a while. Thanks again to KingJoltik for doing the editing. Until next time. See you.

Don't rush yourself, Banshee… take your time… for now, let focus on other stories…. Even I can't think of characters that would be good focus for next story.

Until then, awesome story! :pinkiehappy:

I’m so glad this had a happy ending, Lighting Blitz has had enough tragedy in his life and deserves something good to happen :twilightsmile: Also I did not see that twist coming even though it was so obvious looking back on it. I can’t wait to see what happens next in the series whenever you decide to write it Banshee, I bet it will be about Applejack and Rouge’s wedding and/or Twilight and Flash’s wedding:pinkiesmile:

Highlights below:

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Lightning roared as he charged, Grand right beside him. The Phantom Beast laughed before gesturing to his soldiers, the group rushing past him. Some launched a blast of stream from their hooves, hitting the two and expecting Grand to be made completely useless by it.

"Nice try!" Grand leapt out of the steam and slammed his hammer into the ground, causing a line of earth spikes to explode out and knock the soldiers away. "The potion Twilight gave us makes your little smokescreen completely useless."

Lightning charged out of the mist at this, his new armor feeling like it wasn't even there. He slammed a hoof into an earth pony and smacked him away before firing a blast of lightning out of his covered horn, only to find it was twice as powerful as normal. "This power..." he whispered with a smirk. "This is the power of my friends."

"That's it kid," Grand added as he whacked another soldier away. He then looked up at the castle, "I'll go save Rarity and the others. You know what you need to do

It’s great to see a Grandfather and Grandson fighting together :ajsmug:

And as the lightning faded, Lightning turned the Phantom Beast, the pair glaring at each others as Lightning clutched the tags around his neck, "Never look down on Equestria's heroes."

Breaker chuckled at the sight, "Interesting." The relic on his chest glowed ever brighter. "I shall answer your call." With that, the pair charged at one another

BRING IT ON!!!!!!:flutterrage:

As this happened, a pegasus flew toward Iron from behind. "To protect those who can't protect themselves," Iron spun around and punched the pegasus with all of his strength. "I'll fight whoever threatens Equestria's peace!"

The pegasus was thrown back as Iron leapt up with him, his back legs glowing and gaining jagged edges. Cold watched as Iron opened his legs while the magical image of a tiger appeared around him.

"IRON CRUNCH!" He slammed his legs closed around the pegasus as the tiger bit into the soldier. The jagged blades on his legs acted like teeth, cutting through the pony's armor and making him scream as he lost consciousness. Iron then landed and nodded to Cold, the knight nodding back before the pair began to run down a nearby hallway.

So. Cool! :pinkiehappy:

The Knight of Friendship unleashed beams of light from the gems covering his body and even the horn on his helmet. And as the soldiers gathered up, Flash's wing tips opened before a blast of gold and black light exploded out of them before propelling him as his back leg armor shined. "Unified Impact!" He thrust his back hoof forward, striking a Crown Crusher as the Sacred Light and Corrupted Shadow exploded and the ponies were consumed by it.

Flash flew out the other side of the explosion, landing on his back hooves and sliding to a stop as the flames vanished. The soldiers fell to the ground, burned and battered, the sight making him smirk. They weren't gonna cause any more problems for a while

Like a boss!:rainbowdetermined2:

"Well Breaker didn't believe that! He let me into his army, and when we take over Equestria, I'll be on my way to the top! Once I'm the strongest, I'll rule this land!" He charged at this, but Grand just shook his head.

"You...the strongest?" He tapped the end of his hammer's staff on the ground and the concrete that made the castle exploded into a thin pillar that smashed into the pegasi's chest. "Get real!" The pegasus was thrown through a window, screaming all the way out

He lust literally flicked him out the window :rainbowlaugh:

The Phantom Beast landed a second later, quickly sprinting around before launching several magical blasts, only for Lightning's tail to suddenly move, the crystal on the end deflecting the blast. "Huh?" Lightning looked back, only to stare at the crystal, only to smirk as he had them extend over his hooves. All five crystals glowed before they detached, the five spiky gems floating around Lightning. They then shot forward, moving like a bunch of rockets at Breaker. The Phantom Beast quickly tried to counter them with a barrage of beams, only for one gem to unleash a bolt of lightning to protect the others before one gem slammed into the beast.

"Aaaaah!" Breaker staggered back as the second and third one followed suit. All five were soon swarming around, blasting him with weak bolts of lightning.

Yeah, get em Wild!:rainbowdetermined2::pinkiesad2:

"GYAAAAAH!" The Phantom Beast was thrown flying back, crashing into the wall that surrounded the castle and actually breaking through it. And as he hit the dirt, pieces of the wall fell all around him. Breaker let out a hiss at this, Lightning staring at the hole before the gem on his chest began to glow. It then fired a beam at Breaker, who got up and leapt to the side.

Did Lightning just become Iron Man?:rainbowhuh:

"What?!" Breaker yelped as Lightning fired another beam from his chest. This one hit the beast's side, causing a rune to be emblazoned onto the scales. And before Breaker could react, his entire body suddenly felt heavy. "What's...happening?"

"Gravity rune," Lightning chuckled, "Funny. I could never completely figure out that magic." He clutched the tags around his neck, "Or the others' magic. But now...now it's so easy to understand."

Do it for Script, for all of your fallen friends! Avenge them!

The Phantom Beast growled at this as Lightning's crystals returned to his back and tail. They then unleashed a blast of energy, propelling him forward and slam into Breaker with tremendous force. The monster roared as he was blown back, smashing him through a wall before hitting the city's road. He carved a trench in the street and eventually came to a stop

Can you guys stop blowing holes in the walls please!:ajbemused:

"Tc. You think you stand a chance against me?" Breaker laughed, Lightning then trying to punch him again, but Breaker caught the other hoof. "Your fancy armor might give a minor power boost." Lightning growled as he tried to pull his hooves back, only for Breaker to start twisting his hooves, "But my power is always increasing!"

Seriously!? What is this an anime!?:flutterrage:

The beam struck the barrier, easily pushing the gems back before shattering the shield and slam into Lightning

Did you mean to say “slamming” instead of “slam”?

And as he said this, all over the castle and parts of Canterlot, the members of Overthrow found themselves defeated and detained by Flash and the others. The transformed individuals stood with their friends around them, ready to keep fighting if any of the soldiers got the bright idea of trying to fight again.

"The Magic of Friendship!" Lightning roared as his armor began to glow. "You fight for yourself. You claim to be doing it for the good of Equestria, but you just want to stand at the top and answer to nopony! But when you choose to only look after yourself, nopony will choose to follow and help you! When you stand alone, you fall alone!"

"And what about you?" Breaker spat, "You're alone right now."

Lightning said nothing as he continued to clutch the tags around his neck. At that moment, Rarity arrived at the gate, only to see his new look and the determination on his face. Then she saw the energy glowing off of him. Lightning opened his eyes, the images of Script, Wild and Gorgenia standing beside him. "I'm never alone. Even if I'm the only pony here, so long as I fight for the same thing as my friends, I'm never truly alone!" He ripped the tags off his neck, wrapping them around his hoof as he held them close to his heart. "And I'll defeat you...FOR THEM!"


With that, he charged as lightning exploded out of the armor's crystals. Breaker charged as well, the two ponies colliding with The Phantom Beast's hooves glowing as he thrust them forward


"Lightning!" Rarity gasped, only for the smoke to instantly fade, showing a standing Lightning in a ring of fire, looking completely unphased by the attack

He is the Terminator

Lightning just smirked at this, his green armor glowing before slamming his hooves into the ground, turning it to clay again. Breaker instantly found himself sinking again before the claw hardened

Did you mean to say “clay” instead of “claw”?

"I never..." He coughed, "I never expected...he'd be this strong." He tried to get up at this, "How...is this possible?"

Lightning looked away, "It's because I have someone to protect." The image of Rarity flowed through his mind, along with all the other ponies he cared about. "While you have nothing." He then glanced down at Breaker, "That's the difference."

Breaker slowly looked up at him, only for his body to burst into smoke and disappear into nothing. Lightning stared at the spot, wondering if he was responsible or if it was just a side effect of the relic's destruction. Either way, Equestria had been saved

Yay he’s dead now!:yay:

"Thanks." Lightning muttered out before lifting up a hoof, Rarity seeing it was holding the tags. She then saw tears begin to form, "Gorgenia...Wild...Script." Rarity started to go wide-eyed as he added, "They...they..." He couldn't bring himself to say it as he remembered their faces and voices.

"Lightning," Gorgenia's voice echoed in his head.

"Lightning," Wild laughed in his mind.

"Lightning," Script spoke softly in his memories. The voices he would never forget, and never hear again.

"LIGHTNING!" Three familiar voices then spoke out, making Lightning's eyes fly open as he glanced back. And when he did, his heart stopped when he saw three certain ponies running up to them. Script, Wild and Gorgenia practically tackled him, hugging him tightly as they called out how he had won and saved Equestria

THEY LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:
Hello, I would like to cancel my order of a military tank

Lightning's eyes darted between the trio, "But...Gramps told me you were..."

"Oh," Script nodded, "Right. Don't blame Grand for that. It was my idea. I told Grand to say we didn't survive and gave him our tags to make you think we hadn't survived." Lightning's eyes went fully wide as Script continued, "We figured you would need all the motivation you could get. And we knew that if you thought we died to make that weapon for you, there was no way you would let our sacrifice be for nothing."


"So...you made me think you were dead...just to motivate me?!"

"Yes," they all nodded before seeing Lightning give them all a funny face. "Lightning?" Wild asked, "You okay?"

"I...am going...TO KILL YOU!" He yelled as he charged at them, the three dancing around, laughing as Lightning tried to grab them.

Once Lightning calmed down, they focused on what to do with the Overthrow soldiers


And in one part of the city, Lightning and Rarity was sitting on a bench, watching the sun slowly lower

Did you mean to say “were” instead of “was”?

Lightning was no longer wearing the item Twilight had made for him, but he had it at hoof if he ever needed to Armorize again

Ooo a sequel hook:raritywink:

Lightning smiled at her and nodded, then grabbed her hoof in his. "I know this isn't the most romantic setting, but I know now is the time I'm supposed to ask you."

"Ask me what?" Then, Lightning got down and looked Rarity in the eyes.

"Rarity, will you marry me?" Rarity gasped, then started tearing up and nodded.

"Yes. Yes, of course I'll marry you." Lightning smiled and stood up, the two kissing one another to seal the deal. And what none of them knew was that Script, Wild, Gorgenia and even Grand Hoof had just watched the whole thing.

Everyone’s reaction:

The attack from Overthrow would never be forgotten, but it would one day simply be a footnote in Equestria's history

It’s very, very, VERY long history.

Hondo Flanks, dressed up all fancily, marched down the aisle with his beautiful daughter. The mare was wearing a very romantically made dress, her hair done up with the biggest blush on her face. She spotted Lightning and the pair smiled at one another, both so happy this day had finally come

They’re not the only ones :raritywink:

"Alright. You really wanna know?" Topaz nodded again as Lightning sat down besides her. "When Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Wild wanted a foal, they were having trouble getting one."


"It's...complicated. Anyway. After a while, they had some tests done. It appeared that your Uncle Wild had...issues. Issues that made having foals tough. So after a while, they decided to get some help and...they asked a friend to help them, and Lil Cheese is the result."

It never even occurred to me that Cheese Sandwich might’ve been a donor

"Okay daddy," Topaz smiled, "But what about Laugh Track? Did they need help to have him too?" Lightning smiled as he thought about the one year old unicorn baby of Pinkie and Wild.

"Nah. Like I said, Wild has trouble having foals, but it's not impossible. Laugh Track was a happy surprise.

Aww they did have a kid together :heart:

Yeah, a lot of you realised it was just a fake out.

You have and addiction to these fake outs Banshee. You need help.

One last thing would you like us to comment on what things we would like to see happen/covered in future Flash Sentry Chronicle stories?

so is little cheese the result of a doner as in a certain pony from the canon

Now just Rogue and Applejack and Flash and Twilight

Great story! Thanks for it, and when are you going to more of the Flash Sentry chronicles EQG I mess those. Mostly for things like these. Wolf Whistle 🐺 😍.


Mhmm he might've been a donor

Another enemy defeated, another wedding, and another happy ending.

Just like I thought, Lightning's friends weren't really dead. I'm relieved that they are alive, but at the same time, that was pretty sneaky of them to motivate Lightning with their fake deaths. Lightning's reaction to it kinda reminds me of a scene from Yu-Yu-Hakusho, when Kuwabara faked his death to motivate Yusuke, and Yusuke's reaction was to beat the living daylights outta him.

I liked how Lightning pointed out that Breaker was essentially just his own past self who never grew from his days as a bully. Lightning has come so far that sometimes it is easy to forget he was Flash's childhood bully, or that he was the final villain of the first season. But thankfully, he realized that he and his friends will keep Rarity safe, and she won't die just because she's with him, and she promises to protect him when he needs her too. Like I said, these two are one of the best couples in this series, and I'm happy to see their wedding.

The closing scene was also a sweet touch, revealing Lightning was telling the story to his daughter Topaz as a bedtime story. Plus the confirmation that Lil Cheese in this continuity was born thanks to a donor (most likely Cheese Sandwich) to help Wild and Pinkie have a baby. But they also have an OC foal too, Laughing Track, who was a happy accident.

This was a great first epilogue story for the series, and I'm excited for whatever comes next. Maybe one of our two remaining couples will tie the knot next?


Don't rush yourself, Banshee… take your time… for now, let focus on other stories…. Even I can't think of characters that would be good focus for next story

Actually theres a ton of stories that could be covered. Some include:
-Applejack and Rouge’s wedding. Could also focus on Batponies returning to Equestrian society
-Twilight and Flash’s wedding obviously
-The season 10 comic storyline, but done right:ajbemused:
-Sombra and Ruby’s romance, I could definitely see some ponies being against it and retaliating in extreme ways

There’s also the stain glass windows from The Last Problem that have potential
-The Student Six fighting the monster, could also focus on them graduating from the School of Friendship and dealing with them moving on with their lives
-FlurryHeart’s coronation


Plus the confirmation that Lil Cheese in this continuity was born thanks to a donor (most likely Cheese Sandwich) to help Wild and Pinkie have a baby. But they also have an OC foal too, Laughing Track, who was a happy accident


This was a great first epilogue story for the series, and I'm excited for whatever comes next. Maybe one of our two remaining couples will tie the knot next?

Probably, there’s a ton of story potential. (See the above list)


Sombra and Ruby’s romance, I could definitely see some ponies being against it and retaliating in extreme ways

I don't know about that one cause Banshee stated Quest of Redemption was a conclusion to Sombra's story.

Well, this hopefully puts a satisfying end to Sombra's story.

So, I don't think he would focus on Sombra as his story ended... let focus on someone else.

Ok than a subplot or whatever


-Applejack and Rouge’s wedding. Could also focus on Batponies returning to Equestrian society

Batponies returning to Equestrian society could be interesting... through, I am worried the plot would be too similar to Jakhowls Rising story since that story deals with Jakhowls returning to Equestria and you would have a supremacist who believe they don't need Equestrian ponies like Razor Fang.

If Banshee do that story, at least differentiate it from Jakhowls Rising.

The four unicorns smiled before each placing the tags around their necks, paying the photographer for a job well done before heading out of the booth. They each looked down at their tags, smiles on their lips as they thought the same thing. They might never take this symbol of their friendship off. Not so long as they lived.

Why did this paragraph just give me a weird sinking feeling? :twilightoops:

"Rune Gate?" Halberd slightly gasped, "I heard of that, but never got the chance to see one. Is there one in the castle?" Cobalt nodded. "Don't suppose I could see it, could it? One guard to another, do me a favor."

Yeah, I had a bad feeling about Halberd the moment he asked that. :twilightoops:

The hot spring those four bathed in made them immune, didn't it? :ajbemused: How did they not realize that? :ajsleepy:

Oh my. :derpyderp1: Is Lightning going to be officially knighted when this all ends? :rainbowhuh:

Well, that was certainly something. Some people were probably curious about how, in the future, Pinkie could have Lil Cheese whilst not being with Cheese Sandwich. Well, I hope this answers that question.

You are unbelievable. :ajbemused: I can't believe that you would just kill him off like that. I can't believe it!

"Alright. You really wanna know?" Topaz nodded again as Lightning sat down besides her. "When Aunt Pinkie and Uncle Wild wanted a foal, they were having trouble getting one."

When I read this, I was starting to think Lil' Cheese was adopted, but then I read the next few paragraphs. :applejackunsure: I have opinions about that, but I suppose you do, too, and it's not my place to tell you how to write your stories.

That being said, I liked how this turned out.

I thought that to continue this series, there would be some stories where they catch the fugitive criminals, Toxic Fang and Grimhorn. With Toxic Fang, they travel far away, finding the pack that Rogue's mother and brother belong to. And after catching him and showing him the effects of the golden apple, he realizes that there is a cure for his deadly poison, and that he will always be grateful to Rogue for showing him the truth. After that, Applejack and Rogue decide to get married. As for Grimhorn, he travels to the Cretaur Labyrinth, home of the Minotaurs, the ponies are warned by someone unexpected, Iron Will, who asks for their help, of course, with a friendly paw of Springer and Mirage, defeated and ashamed, Grimhorn finally understands the true meaning of strength. And in the end Springer asks Mirage to marry him, and she accepts. In what would be the finale, Flash faces something so powerful, that even Faust fears it, it is none other than End, the god of destruction. While Faust gives life to millions of creatures, End destroys and exterminates them. At the end of the battle, End promises not to destroy this generation for now, and Flash becomes friends with the god of destruction himself. In the end he asks Twilight to marry him and they get married. What do you say?

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