Greetings and Bienvenue all, and welcome to my page! I'm Crimson-Kazier~ Here's some info about me:
I'm a fairly quiet, kind and helpful guy who has some introverted tendencies(Which I am currently working on eliminating) and am not too good with crowds. The few friends I have call me chill.
I’m a massive nerd(anime, manga, trading cards, video games, animation etc)with an interest in cooking and boxing. One of my current goals is to try to collect as many older consoles as possible.
Here are 5 of my favorite anime:
1. Bleach
2. My Hero Academia
3. Rave Master
4. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Code: Breaker
5. Assassination Classroom and Hitman Reborn
My favorite non-animes:
1. Sym Bionic Titan.
2. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes/Gravity Falls.
3. Spectacular Spider-Man/Star vs the Forces of Evil.
4. Young Justice.
5. OK KO: Let's Be Heroes/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(Which is a given).
Outside of story writing, I'm also an amateur reviewer and a (former)RPer .I write a lot of headcanons and have even started building a next gen AU.
I also write oc profiles and parodies of shonen jump manga.
I like shipping. A lot. It's why I came here at first, but that has changed for the most part. I also wish to improve my own skills as a writer)
I'll also be including some of my ocs from time to time.
That's basically it for now. I look forward to reading with you all. (Psst. If you're interested, here's a list of ships I like and dislike. You should read the author's comment's box)
(Your comments keep me alive!)
That's fair. All that considered, you probably made the right decision.
After talking with some friends, a lot of self-realization and losing a friend due to my actions, I decided to cancel the story.
For the record; I didn't cancel Hunters because I thought it was bad. I canceled it because it had a negative effect on my physical and mental health. I was obsessed with the story to the point where I'd forget to eat or sleep just so I could work on it. I still think that, with the right amount of effort, it can be a great story... But, it's not one I can tell right now.
I also decided to take a break from long fics and focus on a few one-shots for a bit and to fully plan this new long fic out 100%.
Plus, having smaller fics under my belt could not only help me improve as a writer but improve my visibility and presence.
Right now, I'm working on three one-shots and am nearly done with one of them. After I get done with all three, I'm probably gonna write a few more and maybe start talking about a new long fic that uses elements from Hunters.
I probably should(and most likely will) put all of this in a journal either tonight or tomorrow.
Ah, wondered what happened there. May I ask why, if only for the sake of curiosity?
I did, yes.