• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2021



Quick Reminder. · 3:03am Aug 6th, 2014

My lovely readers, just to remind you that there is more from me than just this silly story. Writing is not my strongest quality but I am very skilled with drawings.

here's a link to my Deviantart page were you can look through my gallery. I have tons of good Flashlight art and other mlp related content. Please feel free to send me a note if you wish for a drawing done by me, I'm open for commission in DA points.


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Report Dragonfoxgirl · 545 views · Story: The Princess and the Guard ·

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Most likely :fluttercry:
Jkjk, she’s been posting you tube videos, but I don’t think she’ll continue the story until she remembers, or she lets us know something.

QuQ Oh hey, you're on FIMfiction too! I love your art.

How come you not on for a long time I've been waiting. Forever

Comment posted by PinkPrincess4ever deleted Dec 22nd, 2014
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Quick Reminder. · 3:03am Aug 6th, 2014

My lovely readers, just to remind you that there is more from me than just this silly story. Writing is not my strongest quality but I am very skilled with drawings.

here's a link to my Deviantart page were you can look through my gallery. I have tons of good Flashlight art and other mlp related content. Please feel free to send me a note if you wish for a drawing done by me, I'm open for commission in DA points.


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Report Dragonfoxgirl · 545 views · Story: The Princess and the Guard ·