• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2017


And so the story of this man is left in ashes...

Latest Stories

Want to know more about me?

Name: Kenneth ???

Occupation: Story Writer, Gamer, Community Helper and 'Professional' Scripter

Likes: Songs, Games, Mlp, TheLivingTombstone and Many more...

Dislikes: Being angered, bullied, Enemies, SideMen, Strangers (People who are Drunkards and stuff) and Many more...

School: University... Enough said

Upcoming stories?: Same shit, Different day and Son Goku.

Lifestyle: Get to school, do all classes, go to the local chippy and buy a Fritter and Vanilla Coke, Go back to my Flat, Eat, Sleep, Create stories, Play games, Go to the Loo and Rest for the next day while making money with my part time job and doing favours in the school.

Pretty Rich to say the least...

Get in my way then be expected to have a bad experience...


-Get lots of people who appreciate my work

-Be known around the MLP Community as a good guy

-Befriend as many great people in this community as possible before... Something bad

-Get a new Graphics Tablet

-Make good stories that may or may not be featured

...Make friends...


Up for editing your stories · 11:33pm Jan 17th, 2016

So as the title implies, I'm up for story writing. Just PM me if you want to have me see or help you with your stories. It'll basically only be for grammar if your grammar isn't as good as you want it to be but I'd tweak it a bit if you want.

I already am helping NyxKnight so if you want me to help you then feel free to PM me and I hope to see you lot soon.

Report TheShippingJR · 377 views ·
Comments ( 4 )
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Comment posted by mrkillwolf666 deleted Jan 24th, 2016

Thanks for the follow! Hope you decide to stick around!

Comment posted by The Descendant deleted Jan 17th, 2016
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