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- This city needs a hero. The cops and politicians don't do anything, crime is rampant, and now I'm a murderer...Guess I'll have to do.Xhadow · 10k words · 8 4 · 524 views
- A pair of aliens take Ponyville by storm claiming to be Equestrian soldiers, but one of them lies in the hospital in critical condition, and suffers much more than his physical injuries....Xhadow · 3.2k words · 343 views
- The story of an Equestrian Assassin's quest for revenge, justice, and peace.Xhadow · 6.8k words · 260 views
- A human turned pegasus struggles with existance and other paradoxes whilst imprisoned at some city zoo.Xhadow · 12k words · 10 9 · 632 views
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