Flash would do anything for his friends. And when he sees Twilight in danger, he's ready to do anything in his power to keep her from harm. But things get out of hand, in the worse way possible.
This story takes place during the movie "Equestria Girls: Friendship Games". Alternate universe.
- In this universe, the incident in which Spike gained the ability to talk never occurred. Therefore, he doesn’t speak here. He is, however, more intelligent than an average pet. Basically, the Spike we all know, minus the talking.
- The paragraphs written in all italics are flashbacks, and all of them happened during the duration of the Friendship Games. They occur in inverse chronological order.
- Please go easy on me, I’m not an excellent writer and that I haven’t done this in a while, but I wanted to share this story in written form, because a comic would’ve taken too long.