Worm 32 members · 5 stories

Since a group for Worm crossovers did not already exist, I have decided to create one.

Comments ( 7 )
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I have a "Worm" crossover group here.

Since you've pointed it out, I created this thread for general recommendations to Worm fans.

What if I have a story which Worm readers would like, but isn't a Worm crossover?

WORM is amazing, I haven't finished it yet, but I am incredibly close. I just got past the interlude chapter where Scion starts killing everything. I am going to start on chapter 27.2 tomorrow, since I need to go to sleep shortly.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Congratulations! This group proved itself with its freshness. As a consequence, it has been listed in New Groups.

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