... I need... someone... · 5:43am Apr 1st, 2023
Hey all!
I know it has been more than a year, and I may have disappointed to you all who read my story. Its not fair for you guys, and I am deeply sorry. I have reasons throughout last year but they involve jobs and more jobs. The thing is, I got tired. I lost the motivation, I am loosing my purpose in my passions. Time has never been on my side, and I hate every single bit of myself...
The dragonlands-fiercest-and-fairest new chapters ????
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Hi I love your story of Ridley in mlp
I don't know if you are using phone or computer, but there is a small tab that has three small lines...
There is a row of selections that has an envelope.
It should be there somewhere beside my name.
I have no idea how to pm on Fimfiction. XD