• Member Since 24th Jan, 2018
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Kotatsu Neko

Mostly crossovers. WARNING: Not A Fast Writer

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Next Tolerated chapter · 2:19pm January 5th

Just finishing up the next chapter. It's a long one, 8-9k words, and it marks the start of the final arc of the story. Things are gonna get interesting. And very silly.

Report Kotatsu Neko · 272 views · Story: The Tirek Who Tolerated Me ·
Comments ( 8 )
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Hopin' things work out for you. I've got an urge to read more TwTM.

Like your brain imagining the what if Spy adopts Cozy Glow scenario?

I'm online, like, all the time. I got one tab open to the current WIP, and another for readin' and checking notifications. It means nothing.

Honestly, things haven't been great for writing for... quite a while, for a variety of reasons, but I'm poking along. Mostly keeping it alive until I hit one of my weirdly productive streaks. Just gotta have faith that one day, one day, another chapter will claw its way out of my brain.

I know something big coming or you might just be enjoying others work but I saw you online for awhile so I got hope


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