• Member Since 9th Mar, 2013
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Bigby Wolf


Lending a Hand to Someone · 8:42pm Jan 25th, 2022

Hello, everyone.

A pal of mine sent me a post they read on Discord. A Deviantartist named Rojasause sounds like she's in serious trouble. My friend copied the ping and sent it to me. I shall share it with you in turn.


I hate to have to ping the server like this, but it’s an EMERGENCY.

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Report Bigby Wolf · 804 views ·

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Comments ( 34 )
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Well, you never know with him.
In any case, I'm glad you're enjoying it and I had a lovely Christmas.

Hope you had a great Christmas.

I was (pleasantly) surprised to see people do deconstructions of that guy's work. And it was very thorough. Nicely done!

Personally though I don't think he believes in all that stuff he rants about. It looks more like a long term publicity stunt. Controversy draws attention so he puts on this act as the sworn enemy of My Little Pony.

It's all fake, just like wrestling. He just gets really into character.

Thanks for the fave! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::raritywink:
Merry Christmas!

Thanks so much for the fav on Herding Instincts and remember that comments are greatly appreciated!

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Lending a Hand to Someone · 8:42pm Jan 25th, 2022

Hello, everyone.

A pal of mine sent me a post they read on Discord. A Deviantartist named Rojasause sounds like she's in serious trouble. My friend copied the ping and sent it to me. I shall share it with you in turn.


I hate to have to ping the server like this, but it’s an EMERGENCY.

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Report Bigby Wolf · 804 views ·