• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 18th


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Another 1800 · 5:52am Nov 6th, 2016

Nothing too special here, but I've updated the most recent chapter of I.D. Entity with 1800 words, putting it at the spot where I wanted the chapter to end originally. Now comes the arduous task of thinking of how to handle the next part to make it compelling somehow :applejackunsure:

Report Goldymarg · 405 views · Story: I.D. Entity ·
Comments ( 20 )
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Would you be willing to read a fic idea that might get you motivated?

I really don't want to be, honestly. Nothing is stopping me, no life problems, no drama, ect. I've just had zero motivation. Not the best thing to hear, I know, but I don't really have any excuses.

Are you done with fic writing in general and just hanging around?

Doubtful, I'm afraid :ajsleepy:
I want to focus my attention on I.D. Entity right now. And before that, I actually have to force myself to write in order to get something done. I'm one of those unmotivated, procrastinating writers, unfortunately. Rest assured though, I want to come back to it eventually. It was the first story I ever started work on, and I want it finished at some point.

Are you going to update Ancient Legacy soon?

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