• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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  • 240 weeks

    I get why the poem has less views than the following chapter. Some people weren't interested and skipped. But chapter 2 having more views than the prologue? Not really sure why one would skip a crucial part of the story...so either its a glitch or its not.

    Either way I find it very funny for some reason. Mostly cause it doesn't make any sense and nonsensical things are one of the things I find most humorous.

    Enjoy this random post, mostly for my benefit.
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    3 comments · 313 views
  • 242 weeks
    Hello there!

    For those who do not know, I started another story. Not sure if it will be part of The redemption arc. If so it will take place before. It's M for graphic violence description. It's a sci-fi bad guy who is insensitive to violence. The world is like the one is redemption arc, innocent ponies, season 9, mostly canon at start, etc. I also announce this because I am currently writing for that one so that means updates will be slower. Probably switch off stories every chapter or so.

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    1 comments · 243 views
  • 242 weeks
    Sombra redemed

    Just read the IDW comic from years ago, the siege of canterlot arc, issues 34-37 and I just have to tell someone about it. I honestly loved it and the ending. I always felt as tho mlp was one to actually use the power of friendship not for victory but change. The did it with nightmare moon and discord, but after that not really. Sure they saved the changeling but never chrysalis. That was what I disliked about season 9. They took the bad guys who were bad for seemingly no reason and made them

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    0 comments · 191 views

Lol · 5:17am Dec 15th, 2019

I get why the poem has less views than the following chapter. Some people weren't interested and skipped. But chapter 2 having more views than the prologue? Not really sure why one would skip a crucial part of the story...so either its a glitch or its not.

Either way I find it very funny for some reason. Mostly cause it doesn't make any sense and nonsensical things are one of the things I find most humorous.

Enjoy this random post, mostly for my benefit.
How does it benefit me?

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