• Member Since 31st May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Lambs Prey

Mistakes were made. Most of them were fixed!

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Comments ( 61 )
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Thank you for the compliment. 😄 I'm glad to hear it was such fun to read for you, that's the main thing.
And yes, unfortunately, fanfiction is still fan-made content of an already owned legal idea.

I think about Prey and a Lamb often, and just wanted to say...you wrote a masterpiece. If you ever write a novel, hopefully you let your fans know. I will certainly purchase it, and my dad will add it to his home-made library in his little hermit hut in the hills.

I wish it could be a novel in its own right, but...well, legalities, and the logistics of altering everything such that it doesn't cause legal troubles...eugh. It's perfect the way it is.

Congratulations on 1,000 updoots!

Since this story came out I graduated, got a job, and got a car, and PaaL was and still is a huge inspiration to me.

Any new projects on the outside we can follow?

  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61
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