Finals week and the Death of a Pet · 8:39pm Dec 8th, 2014
Things have been pretty shit these last few days. Due to the last months of school and the demise of my dog today, i've been unable to work on any of my stories as i planned. However, this coming Thursday the semester is over and i can begin work on writing anew.
I apologize for the lack of updates and i hope to rectify this in the coming months.
At first, I was wary about reading Fallout: Equestria: Dark Shores, considering that I don't particularly like Fallout: Equestria sidefics (or the main work of fiction, for that matter). Something about your setting, though, attracts me. It's not just the same-old romp through the Equestrian wasteland. It's different, in that you've created entirely new settings for this story. I didn't like Fallout: Equestria, mostly for the blatant copying of things from the Fallout series, just ponyfied. The characters were pretty shallow as well, and don't even get me started on the romance...
But I digress. I like Dark Shores for it's originality. Well, that's not the only thing I like about it, but it's a major thing for me. Now, I'm not saying that originality is the only good thing about it, but for distancing the story from the original Fo:E, it gets major props from me. The characters are fairly consistent throughout, as well, and aren't just walking character traits. I also like the fact that the main character is a seapony; they are a species that, in my opinion, need more love. It fits well with the oceanic setting.
To be quite honest, I'm not one to gush about the things I like. But you have made me like a Fallout: Equestria sidefic. I absolutely detest Fallout: Equestria. I don't know how you did it, but congratulations.
I'd also like to add that Sugar Rush is the most adorable cyberpone I've seen thus far.There are a few errors here and there, maybe less-than-optimal phrasing of some things, the occasional missing letter or word, but I can look past those small things to look at the big picture, and enjoy it as a whole. If you'd allow me, I would love to help you on that. I'm not good on correcting grammatical errors, but I can add in letters that should be there, maybe fix a couple phrasings or two...?
In all, I do so very much wish this was a more popular sidefic, because it is quite possibly the best Fo:E sidefic I've ever read. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did, but you surprised me. Please, keep up the good work. I patiently await the next chapter!
In addition, there needs to be more Dark Shores art.
1226514 yay
I'm editing the next chapter now. it will be out soonTM
Why Won't you update???????
On the side of random; I've been going around asking people and ponies (whom I've seen or talked to) alike questions. So, if you got this--you're obviously one. If you choose to ignore this, then that's perfectly okay with me. If not...
I decided to reach outside of my own decisions and understandings--which are open-minded in their own sentiment, but still nonetheless--to help me, and give me some outside inspiration.
So--what I want to know is what you think.
What are some of your favorite fictions you've read. Especially the ones you think deserve more credit. They can be off of Fimfiction, and even outside the brony community (as long as it's within reason). They can be any genre and any rating. I prefer them to not be extremely large, but at the same time not very short. It's also fine if they were never finished.
I'd also like to listen to a favorite song you may have. " Let the music be my master" as it were. If you--like me--do not have a favorite song, then a favorite band, and some of their best songs will work fine. I'll listen to any genre of music too (once again, within reason) Oh and don't worry about recommending Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, Queensrýche, or Offspring; I already know all their songs by heart. And can play some on guitar "squee~"
Lastly: if you have a book you'd really recommend, let me know what it is, and if you can: why you like it.
I don't really care how long the list of fictions, songs, or books are (just please, once again, within reason).
Oh, and just for the hell of it, who's best pony?
In any matter, sorry for the bother, and thank you.
TrĂ air fhichead. /)