• Member Since 7th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2019


Top 3 thing I love. Jokes, Tolerance, and Obscure References

Comments ( 20 )
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It's important that the sound quality is good. Most phones you can listen to Online Radio Luisteren Nederland via Wifi have good quality sound these days. By adding an extra sound box to it, you can get more output from your phone. At home, you can connect the sound to your stereo speakers for extra volume. You can listen to your favourite music throughout your home by keeping the volume at a constant level. The volume should be kept at a constant level until it's time to put in your earplugs, at which point it can be lowered again. You might like to listen to your favourite music radio DJ in the morning, such as Gerard Ekdom. You can listen to his morning program between six and ten o'clock on Radio 10. On the way to work, you won't miss a moment with him and the commute to work will be smoother.

Screwball fan! Yea! How are you doing?

2173509 Just kidding...maybe.:trollestia:

2173489 Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!! BE QUIET!!

It's supposed to be a secret!!!

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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