• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 8th, 2020

Norty Ahri

Male from England who occasionally takes part in pony watching, also an Otaku and a Summoner. Rarity is best pony.


I guess this is it. · 1:53am Dec 13th, 2016

I just don't know what else to say...

Whatever I try to say always looks like I'm just making excuses, or carries entirely the wrong tone, and it has gotten to a point where I feel like the only thing to do is be straight with it.

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External IDs

Steam - Norty Echo
Skype - Norty Echo or mlp_firestorm
Twitter - @tehsubjectdelta
Xbox Live - UKz Norty Echo (not Gold, and likely not going to be fore a while)
