• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 13th, 2016


A shitty writer who has given up entirely. Considering writing clop instead. Incapable of writing deep, meaningful stories or funny and entertaining stories. Finally on anti-depressants.


At long last, I have... Not returned. · 4:29am Jul 23rd, 2015

It's a little complicated. As much as I enjoy writing, or used to before the thought of doing anything creative had me contemplating suicide, I think I'm gonna just, you know, stop. I'm not good at it, I can see that. I need way more practice, or some f:derpyderp1:king classes, before I ever know what I'm doing, but that wouldn't really matter, 'cause they can't teach you how to come up with good ideas. I should not feel "exhausted" when trying to write, that means I'm doing

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Report TH3C001 · 362 views · Story: Fluttersaiyan · #Amateur #Noob #Fail #GTFO

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About Me

I used to like writing even though I'm not very creative or very good at writing stories.

I finally got me some delicious, kickass anti-depressants.

I'm a fan of comedic stories as well as action stories and epic adventures. As I have learned firsthand though, the three don't really mix at all.

I wish I could write a simple pony story, but I don't have something that needs to be said, which is probably why I fail. All I want to do is entertain and stuff, but most stories have real purpose and are about something deep or reflect reality and demonstrate flaws in society and things like that. Now, if only I were smart enough to figure out how to do that with ponies...

As a last resort may have to fall into the dark side, give up, and just write clop. People love clop. I just don't feel comfortable writing it.

Comments ( 8 )
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Hey dude thank for the follow.

1722314 First, I love that whole thing you did there, that really made the moment special, lol. And second, deep down, that's part of why I followed to begin with, I could sense it lol. Well, I mean, your name is capacitor. You have a picture of a capacitor. You're Capacitor! That's clever! I had to follow you, just like with Mister Coffee, another clever fellow, (and thanks for holding of the orbital bombardment).

[Subject designated TH3C001 detected.]
[Firing Orbital Friendship Ca-
[Process override.]

Goodness. Sorry for that one. I told them to prepare a nice little surprise for my tenth follower. For some reason, they thought orbital bombardment was a way of saying 'thank you'. Stupid sub-routines.

So, thanks for the watch. It's very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Hmm. Still sounds odd. But at least better than 'thanks for following me'. Nevermind.

Anyway, any specific reason for you to monitor my activity?

1711126 How could I not follow? Your name and profile pic was awesome. I had to follow the awesomeness lol.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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At long last, I have... Not returned. · 4:29am Jul 23rd, 2015

It's a little complicated. As much as I enjoy writing, or used to before the thought of doing anything creative had me contemplating suicide, I think I'm gonna just, you know, stop. I'm not good at it, I can see that. I need way more practice, or some f:derpyderp1:king classes, before I ever know what I'm doing, but that wouldn't really matter, 'cause they can't teach you how to come up with good ideas. I should not feel "exhausted" when trying to write, that means I'm doing

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Report TH3C001 · 362 views · Story: Fluttersaiyan · #Amateur #Noob #Fail #GTFO

At long last, I have... Not returned. · 4:29am Jul 23rd, 2015

It's a little complicated. As much as I enjoy writing, or used to before the thought of doing anything creative had me contemplating suicide, I think I'm gonna just, you know, stop. I'm not good at it, I can see that. I need way more practice, or some f:derpyderp1:king classes, before I ever know what I'm doing, but that wouldn't really matter, 'cause they can't teach you how to come up with good ideas. I should not feel "exhausted" when trying to write, that means I'm doing

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Report TH3C001 · 362 views · Story: Fluttersaiyan · #Amateur #Noob #Fail #GTFO