• Member Since 8th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2023


I drink and I know things. U.S. Army Engineer.


And I'll be here for awhile yet · 7:59pm Dec 9th, 2018

You know, here I am just laying in my bed thinking about when I first started out in the fandom. A freshman in high school, with few hobbies and few friends. Fast forward five years and here I am, enlisted in the United States Army and deployed to one of the most dangerous countries on Earth: Afghanistan. I went from playing video games, basketball, catching up on the latest episodes of MLP and reading countless fics and having my biggest worry be my grades in school, to training for finding

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Hey! I just happened to open this site up to check on it and saw your comment on one of my stories, completely forgot you were on here and I followed you on Twitter (BagYeetingHorse, now AirlineWildDog). You kinda vanished without warning one day and have been thinking about you quite a bit, hope all is well for you man!

Sounds like fun times haha! I'm actually slated for a deployment here soon, but we haven't received orders yet so we'll see.

My time spent was stateside maintaining aircraft for rotation back out into the field. Part of me wanted to be in the shit out on the battlefield, but I was happy to be "home" taking care of business. Got to drink a fair amount of whiskey and beer 😁 Came dangerously close one time to getting an NJP for being very hungover/drunk at roll call, but my XO was thankfully chill about it. Got to sleep it off for having a "migraine" 😆

Only in the military...

Haha trust me im not that highspeed,alot of our time is spent in the motorpool taking care of vehicles or doing layouts/or tasked out with other random stuff. Actually digging fighting posistions and the stuff we are trained for isn't that hard to be honest.

I saw your comment about being an engineer. All of me wishes I could have the aptitude for that kind of work. The barber who cuts my hair used to be a sapper 😁

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