• Member Since 4th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2021


Just another faggot on the internet now.



What should I read next? · 4:25am Mar 24th, 2014

So far, I've been merely skating around. I've looked for some of the best of the best and the better than the rest stories, and found plenty. But things are slowing down. As an HiE reader, I find I have to go back if I ever want the chance to go forward. So I'm going back to a time I passed, and picking up stories to read.

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I AM ORANGE · 4:29am Jun 6th, 2018

Orange is a violent color.

I am drunk off my case

Report IkioStar · 333 views ·
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You haven't been banned from the group. You've been banned from adding to the group. It's basically a decrease in functionality. Knighty never fixed groups so that the folders properly acted like tags and didn't falsely increase a group's story count. Send me a private message in a couple of weeks and I'll try to get back to you.
I spend maybe 10-30 minutes on this site every couple of days nowabouts, and most of the old mods don't keep an active account, so it's just me doing this. Not to mention I don't really have the time for it anymore. I'm honestly considering shutting the group down and killing it.

I've made a mistake on the "Library of Humanity" with adding to multiple folders and got banned, but the group is still in my "Joined Groups" section. How do I fix that?

Thanks for the fave on The Return of Sunset! I truly appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:

Good luck then.

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Notice/Warning for People that come to me · 9:08pm Mar 3rd, 2014

I cry at everything. Not a day goes by without a tear on my face. I'm a bit nuts in that, every time I do cry I get successively happier. Misery makes me happy...or at least my misery. I think I got the two confused at some point....

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